Learning to read with art works

Mar Morón and Gemma París, lecturers from the Faculty of Education, have published ABC Miró (together with the Miró Foundation), and are currently working on ABC Gaudí and ABC of Catalan Art, together with the Museu Nacional d'Art de Catalunya.
"There is an absence of art in the education of children", highlight Mar Morón and Gemma París, lecturers of the UAB and authors of ABC Miró, published by Editorial Gustavo Gili for the Joan Miró Foundation.
The book ABC Miró (Editorial Gustavo Gili) was created out of the necessity of improving artistic education in school. “The contact we've made with schools and the result of our research shows the absence of art in our children's education. In contrast, schools are full of stereotypical images which hinder imagination and creativity in kids,” explain Mar Morón and Gemma París, authors of the book and lecturers of the subject "Teaching Plastic Arts" at the UAB Faculty of Education.
As part of their learning process, kids need images that are suggestive, rich and stimulating, such as works of art, the authors insist.
After ABC Miró, the authors will soon publish ABC Gaudí and ABC of Catalan Art, the latter in collaboration with the Museu Nacional d’Art de Catalunya. All books have the same objective: to bring art closer to children and introduce art into their education, given that it enriches and favours the learning process.
ABC Miró
Mar Morón and Gemma París explain that the images in ABC Miró captivate children because they are rich and suggestive, and they stimulate ideas, thoughts, emotions, and open the world up to new creations. The moon, for example, can be represented in thousands of different ways, as can be the stars, people, etc. All the concepts of the universe, in fact, as Joan Miró shows us with his works.
The design of the alphabet book aims to do the following:
- ensure there is an ongoing presence of art at schools from a very early age.
- help children in learning to read and write.
- help them discover works of art and enrich their creativity, imagination and fantasy.
- immerse them into visual culture and help them learn to read images, something basic in today's society, rich in images.
- develop skills in discovering different artistic techniques: sculpture, painting, drawing, photography, engravings, etc. and different materials and supports.
- foster the importance of our artistic and cultural heritage.
- provide non-childish and non-stereotyped images that can arouse interest and curiosity in the children.
ABC Miró is not only addressed to education centres, but also to families and tourists. The book has been published in Catalan, Spanish, English and French.
Education Project for Miró Foundation
Following the publication of ABC Miró, the UAB lecturers have designed a project for the Department of Education at the Joan Miró Foundation, consisting of a visit for families accompanied by an educator, who will offer a guided tour to the works included in ABC Miró. The works of Miró included in the book encourage children to find forms, think of and write down words, imagine stories, alongside practicing reading and writing and artistic creation.
Lecturers, Researchers and Artists
Gemma París and Mar Morón are lecturers from the Department of Teaching of Musical, Artistic and Corporal Expression of the UAB Faculty of Education, as well as artists. Their teaching focuses on education through art, fostering the existence of spaces of artistic creation. Gemma París has exhibited her works in galleries of Barcelona, Paris, Milan, Buenos Aires and other countries. She is working on education projects for schools based on contemporary photography. Mar Morón is also designing accessible artistic projects for schools and museums. She conducts research into themes related to the importance of artistic education in the holistic development of a person.
Miró Foundation Education Project:
ABC Miró (Editorial Gustavo Gili):
After ABC Miró, the authors will soon publish ABC Gaudí and ABC of Catalan Art, the latter in collaboration with the Museu Nacional d’Art de Catalunya. All books have the same objective: to bring art closer to children and introduce art into their education, given that it enriches and favours the learning process.
ABC Miró
Mar Morón and Gemma París explain that the images in ABC Miró captivate children because they are rich and suggestive, and they stimulate ideas, thoughts, emotions, and open the world up to new creations. The moon, for example, can be represented in thousands of different ways, as can be the stars, people, etc. All the concepts of the universe, in fact, as Joan Miró shows us with his works.
The design of the alphabet book aims to do the following:
- ensure there is an ongoing presence of art at schools from a very early age.
- help children in learning to read and write.
- help them discover works of art and enrich their creativity, imagination and fantasy.
- immerse them into visual culture and help them learn to read images, something basic in today's society, rich in images.
- develop skills in discovering different artistic techniques: sculpture, painting, drawing, photography, engravings, etc. and different materials and supports.
- foster the importance of our artistic and cultural heritage.
- provide non-childish and non-stereotyped images that can arouse interest and curiosity in the children.
ABC Miró is not only addressed to education centres, but also to families and tourists. The book has been published in Catalan, Spanish, English and French.
Education Project for Miró Foundation
Following the publication of ABC Miró, the UAB lecturers have designed a project for the Department of Education at the Joan Miró Foundation, consisting of a visit for families accompanied by an educator, who will offer a guided tour to the works included in ABC Miró. The works of Miró included in the book encourage children to find forms, think of and write down words, imagine stories, alongside practicing reading and writing and artistic creation.
Lecturers, Researchers and Artists
Gemma París and Mar Morón are lecturers from the Department of Teaching of Musical, Artistic and Corporal Expression of the UAB Faculty of Education, as well as artists. Their teaching focuses on education through art, fostering the existence of spaces of artistic creation. Gemma París has exhibited her works in galleries of Barcelona, Paris, Milan, Buenos Aires and other countries. She is working on education projects for schools based on contemporary photography. Mar Morón is also designing accessible artistic projects for schools and museums. She conducts research into themes related to the importance of artistic education in the holistic development of a person.
Miró Foundation Education Project:
ABC Miró (Editorial Gustavo Gili):