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Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona

“With a bit of organisation, anyone can get this mark”

25 Jul 2017
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Oriol Llopis earned this year's highest admission mark among new UAB students (13.804) and in September will begin the double degree in Physics and Mathematics. Although he knows he will now have to work very hard on his studies, he is eager to begin this new chapter at the UAB.
"I am sure this new period as a university student will be one of the best of my life.
I will always remember these years."
Oriol was born in Vinalesa, Valencia, and he is convinced that coming to Barcelona will be a radical change for him. Nevertheless, he confesses that he will miss his family and lifelong friends.

He had never visited the UAB campus until the day he enrolled, and he assures us that he is impressed and is certain that, if his studies allow for it, he will take advantage of all the activities and possibilities offered by such a large campus.

The double degree in Physics + Mathematics at the UAB has the highest entrance mark of the country, at 13.804 over 14. How did you do it?

There is no magical formula. I only did what my teachers always told me to do: be consistent and disciplined in my studies. I think by doing that, showing interest, and especially being organised, anyone can get this mark.

How did you prepare for the university entrance exams?

When I ended my second year of upper secondary education, I made a special schedule. I studied every day until the evening and rested four hours during the day. It all had to do with how I organised my time up until the day of the exams.  

Why did you choose this bachelor's degree?

I actually wasn't very sure about what to choose... I was interested in the engineering degrees, but as I was finishing school, my teachers told me about this degree and finally I found this one to be the best. Plus, being able to study physics and maths at the same time, and in Barcelona, seemed like a great opportunity. I knew the entrance mark would be high, but I had to try it...

Would you like to participate in an exchange programme and study abroad?

I would love to do an Erasmus. I still do not know what country, but it is something I intend on doing.

You are now beginning your time as a university student and everyone says it is one of the best times of your life. What expectations do you have?

I am certain it will be one of the best times of my life. I have friends who have already graduated from university and they all say they will remember those years for the rest of their lives.

Where will you live during the academic year?

I am not sure yet, but I think I will stay at the Vila Universitària. At least during the first year so that the change is not so drastic.

What would you like to do in the future?

What I like most is research, but I am not sure about anything in particular yet.

In September you will start the degree in Physics + Mathematics, but you say you also like languages. These are very different areas...

Totally different (laughs). In fact, my parents studied philology and history, but both my sister and I are more into sciences. Languages fascinate me, so I do not rule out enrolling in a language degree someday.

Do you have any dreams you would like to see come true?

I have always wanted to volunteer in another country and work for a period of time in humanitarian aid.
