Last days to sign up for a Beques Nova grant for students with disabilities

University and vocational training students with disabilities have until 21 October to sign up for a Beques Nova grant, a support programme for talented students with disabilities offered by the Fundació Prevent as a means to facilitate their access to the labour market.
The Beques Nova grants are aimed at students with disabilities studying a university degree and with a minimum of 50% of credits passed, students of Higher Vocational Training Courses, postgraduate students and official master's degree students. These 2,000 euro grants seek to accompany the talent of these students and facilitate their access to the labour market.
These grants are awarded by the Fundació Prevent, a non-profit, private and independent foundation, which since 2005 has been offering resources to people with disabilities and companies to help them adapt to work environments and raise awareness among society that diversity makes us better. The foundation has already awarded 700 grants in its more than 13 calls for applications.
The Beques Nova grants are composed of 2 phases and those interested in applying must fulfil a series of requirements for each of these phases. In the first phase, academic excellence is valued and rewarded, and in the second phase, it is necessary to demonstrate active commitment to the chosen studies, interest in the labour market and guidance in finding work. A series of activities are proposed for students to complete in full, and in the manner and within the deadlines indicated in the calendar and conditions of completion.
A broad, multidisciplinary committee will guarantee independence and objectivity in the evaluation and will be in charge of evaluating and awarding the grants.
To apply for a grant please visit: Beques Nova
(until 21 October)