Ganàpies is the place to be!
Do you enjoy pop culture and specially castells? Would you like to meet students from other faculties and from other universities in Catalonia? Ganàpies is the place to be!

At the colla you’ll feel fulfilled, useful and essential.Are you new at the university and haven’t met anyone yet? Do you enjoy pop culture and specially castells? Would you like to meet students from other faculties and from other universities in Catalonia? Would you like to enjoy yourself while building castells and meet new people?
Ganàpies de la UAB is a unique colla castellera, with more than 20 years of history. Not only we perform castells, but also organize activities to unite the team outside rehersal, such as camping, skiing trips, day trips, and so on.
A colla castellera doesn’t understand of majors, stereotypes or social status. It doesn’t matter if you’re a man or a woman, tall or short, fat or slim. At the colla you’ll always have a place and you’ll play an important role, you’ll feel fulfilled, useful and essential.
We meet every Tuesday and Thursday from 1 pm to 3 pm in front of the faculty of Science. So if you want to enjoy castells and meet new people in a healthy environment, you know where to find us.