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Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona

Fourteen interuniversity cooperation projects to receive aids from the Solidarity Fund

06 Jun 2023
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As a university committed to overcoming global challenges, the UAB is working on the promotion of cooperation and solidarity actions which can provide Global Justice with the expertise and contributions of its community. Coordinated by the FAS, the Solidarity Fund serves to promote, finance and accompany projects working towards the goals of Global Justice.

Imatge fons de solidaritat, Gàmbia

The call for XL projects by teaching and research staff (PDI) and administrative and service staff (PAS) for the 2022/23 academic year has been resolved. Seven university cooperation projects (line 1) and two projects on Education for Global Justice (line 2) have been approved, with a total budget of €56,850.95.

The projects will be implemented in partnership with universities and educational and civil society organisations in Peru, Brazil, Colombia, Turkey and Iran. The proposals promote the strengthening of universities for the defence of rights and are oriented to work on: Human Rights, intercultural communication, sexual and gender rights, health, environmental justice, gender justice and equal rights and opportunities for access to education.

Per altra banda, la Convocatòria E2022-2023, orientada a fomentar la participació d'estudiants de màster i doctorat en actuacions de cooperació s’ha resolt amb l’aprovació de cinc projectes, que posen el focus en l’educació, la salut i la justícia ambiental. Seran implementats a: Angola, Brasil, Xile, Equador i Perú.

The E2022-2023 Call, aimed at promoting the participation of master's and PhD students in cooperation actions, also has been resolved with the approval of five projects, which focus on education, health and environmental justice. They will be implemented in: Angola, Brazil, Chile, Ecuador and Peru.

Link to the projects funded by the FSXL call (PAS/PDI)

Link to the projects funded under the E2022-2023 call (students)
