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Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona

Form part of a team of children workshop instructors

30 Oct 2023
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UAB student volunteers wanted to form part of a team of young people interested in changing the world through education. Registration period now open for the Croma 2.0 programme. Selected volunteers will visit schools in the vecinity of the University and foster an interest in learning among 5th and 6th graders.

campanya croma 2023

The Croma 2.0 programme is an initiative of the Fundació Autònoma Solidària, in which educational and emotional support is given to children in 5th and 6th grade of primary school who, due to their personal circumstances, are at risk of social exclusion. Last year, more than 200 children benefited from this programme.

El programa es desenvolupa a escoles de primària pertanyents a cinc municipis del Vallès Occidental propers a la UAB. Hi participen les següents escoles: les Fontetes i Sant Martí, de Cerdanyola del Vallès; el Turó i el Viver, de Montcada i Reixac; Del Bosc, Montessori, Pau Casals i Ramon Llull, de Rubí; Floresta, Joan Montllor i Miquel Carreras, de Sabadell; i Agustí Bartra, Antoni Ubach, el Vallès, Feixes i Ramón y Cajal, de Terrassa. Aquest curs, a més a més, com a novetat s’hi han incorporat quatre escoles noves, entre elles: la Romànica, de Sabadell; i Salvador Vinyals, Sant Llorenç del Munt i Pere Viver, de Terrassa.

The programme takes place in primary schools in five municipalities in Vallès Occidental near the UAB. The following schools participate: Les Fontetes and Sant Martí, in Cerdanyola del Vallés; El Turó and El Viver, in Montcada i Reixac; Del Bosc, Montessori, Pau Casals and Ramon Llull, in Rubí; Floresta, Joan Montllor and Miquel Carreras, in Sabadell; and Agustí Bartra, Antoni Ubach, El Vallès, Feixes and Ramón y Cajal, in Terrassa. This academic year, as a novelty, four new schools have been incorporated: Romànica, in Sabadell; and Salvador Vinyals, Sant Llorenç del Munt, and Pere Viver, in Terrassa.

What kind of activity is it?

The CROMA 2.0 programme aims to help 5th and 6th graders recover their interest in learning, to allow them to become responsible for their own learning and, in this way, to promote an increase in their interest in the knowledge that the school offers them. This is done through workshops run by a team of university students from various faculties, who first receive training to be able to do so. During the first term, the sessions are designed to create an optimal working space, where the diversity of the members of the group is valued, as well as their potential to work as a team and jointly achieve the desired results. During the second and third trimester, based on the collaboration of research teams and researchers from the UAB, small projects linked to the field of experimental sciences and the artistic, humanistic and social fields are initiated.

How to participate?

There are currently 30 places open. Those interested must be sensitive to social inequalities and believe that education is a tool for transforming the world, in addition to the possibility of participating in one or two afternoons a week from 4:30 to 6:30 p.m. This participation can be validated for ECTS credits.

For more information or to participate, please fill out this form: Volunteering information form - Fundació Autònoma Solidària - UAB Barcelona or write to us at: fas.croma@uab.cat.
