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Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona

FAS 2020 calendar focused on Healthcare

27 Jan 2020
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The Healthcare programme has created the new Fundación Autónoma Solidaria (FAS) calendar for 2020. The material has been made with the support of the Healthcare Department of the Generalitat de Catalunya. Through messages and images, it invites reflection about drug consumption, safe and healthy sex, gender equality, among others.
Calendari FAS 2020
“We stand up against sexist violence” or “Have a party without annoyance” are some of the messages of this year’s calendar. With this material, the Healthcare programme wants to promote the reflection about drug consumption, sexuality, and gender issues. Moreover, in this calendar also appear some of the more important commemoratives days of the year, for the healthcare programme of FAS, with a thoughtful message. For instance, February gives the message “Do it fast” to make us think about our sexual health, on the occasion of the European Sexual Health Day. In March appears the message “Get together against inequality… Women first” on the occasion of International Women's Day. In June there is the message “Let’s dance”, on the occasion of the LGTBI+ pride parade, or “Do you want to talk about suicide?” for World Mental Health Day. 

Healthcare programme
The FAS Healthcare programme promotes healthy lifestyles through critical reflection. The goal is that the students can decide which is the best way of taking care of themselves knowing what risks they can be exposed are.

Do you want to get involved or be part of the programme? Contact the program at fas.salut@uab.cat to learn more about how to be a Health Agent in the campus or check the next available workshops, which can be recognized with 2 ECTS credits.

If you want a copy of the calendar, you can ask for it at the same email address.
