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Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona

Drafting Committee set up for new UAB statutes

15 Sep 2023
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This morning a meeting was held at the UAB Rectorat building to constitute the new Drafting Committee.

Reunió dels estatuts amb part dels assistents

In its first constitutive meeting, UAB Secretary General Esther Zapater was elected secretary of the committee, the work mechanisms were set down, meetings were scheduled until the end of the year, and working groups were established.

Four working groups will be working closely together to draft the contents of the following topics: legal regime and structures of the UAB; governance and basic governing structures; community and university activity; and economic and financial regime of the UAB, electoral system and reforms.

The UAB Senate met in an extraordinary session held on 13 July to vote on the new committee's operating procedures and choose its members: four representatives of the academic staff, four student representatives and four administration and services staff representatives. The final proposal must also be presented to the Senate, which will be in charge of passing the new statutes as the final stage of the process.

The drafting of new statutes is a requirement established by the deployment of the Organic Law of the University System (LOSU), which came into force last April.
