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Dorothy Berloni to speak on preparing animals for performances and filming

Dorothy Berloni
Actress Isabella Rossellini curently is performing Link Link Circus at the Teatre Akadèmia of Barcelona. Dorothy Berloni, trainer of the dog Pan, who appears in the play with  Rossellini, will give a conference on 16 March at 12 noon at the Aula Magna of the Faculty of Law.


On 16 March at 12 noon the Aula Magna of the Faculty of Law will play host to a conference on animals and their role in theatrical and cinematographic shows entitled "Sharing the Lifetime Experience on Welfare Standards When Training Pet Animals for Live Performances and the Film Industry". The conference will be given by Dorothy Berloni, Vice President of William Berloni Theatrical Animals, who is currently in Barcelona as the trainer and carer of Pan, the dog acting alongside Isabella Rossellini in the theatre play Link Link Circus at the Teatre Akadèmia of Barcelona. Presenting the event will be Enrique Alonso, a permanent member of the Spanish Council of State.

William Berloni Theatrical Animals, with over thirty years of eperience, is capable of training any animal for any type of show. The company has worked for HBO series, Braodway shows, etc. The training needs to be adequated to each animal in a comfortable environment. The company offers its services in all stages of the artistic production: pre-production, rehearsals, when choosing locations, filmings and live performances.

Link Link Circus is, according to Teatre Akadèmia, "a monologue inspired in the animal world and based on scientific data with a comical twist". Rossellini is the main character of the play, alongside the dog Pan, who interprets other animals as well, making the play a bit of a "small circus". The play will be showing until 25 March.

More information: The website for Animals and the Law