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Conference to present the latest advances in risk analysis and management

Photo: Alberto-g-rovi
Risk analysis and management is a very broad field of study which affects areas such as the environment, geopolitics, economics, etc. From 26 to 29 May, the International Conference on Risk Analysis in Barcelona will reunite almost 200 researchers from around the world in a diversity of areas including health, engineering and finances.


The International Conference on Risk Analysis (ICRA 6 / Risk 15) will present in Barcelona from 26 to 29 May the latest advances in risk analysis. This will be the first meeting of researchers from different areas of this discipline, such as health, engineering and finances who, nevertheless, share the same type of working methodologies.

The conference has been organised by the universities UAB, UB, UPC, UPF and UOC. These five universities and the Barcelona Risk & Analytics consortium have made the Catalan capital into a leader in this field. The different working sessions will take place at the CosmoCaixa and the UPF.

Close to 200 researchers from around the world will be attending the conference, which will be inaugurated on 26 May at 5:30 pm at the Auditorium of the CosmoCaixa in Barcelona. The meeting will continue from 27 to 29 May at the UPF Ciutadella campus. Three renowned experts will offer the plenary sessions included in the conference: Sebastián Martorell (Universitat Politècnica de València), Mei-Ling Tin Lee (University of Maryland, US) and Hansjörg Albrecher (University of Lausanne, Switzerland).

Some of the issues which will be discussed at the conference, which was first celebrated in 2005 also in Barcelona and which is held every two years, thanks to the support of the ISI Committee on Risk Analysis of the International Statistical Institute, are the following: insurance and financial analysis of insurance companies; financial and banking crisis; statistical methods for insurances and finances; economics of insurances and long-term care; biostatistics; clinical trials; survival analysis and quality of life; financial mathematics; statistical models for industrial reliability; environmental assessment and sustainability, and probabilistic methods of optimisation of logistics services.

A Tool to Prevent Danger and Improve Health

Risk analysis has a work methodology which applies to all areas of life in where there is a hazardous situation which can be avoided, with contributions to such diverse fields as environmental pollution, medicine and geopolitical, industrial, infrastructure and financial risks.

Risk management is fundamental for the insurance industry (deeply rooted in Catalonia), for corporate business in general and particularly for health. Regarding this latter sector, through statistics applied to health sciences, the risks of new treatments can be assessed and directed towards personalised medicine.

Risk analysis researchers at the meeting, who are at the service of scientists and biotechnologists, are experts at duly quantifying risk based on the few data available at certain times, or at identifying among big data patterns which lead to pinpointing what may constitute a risk to the public.

Catalonia and Barcelona are a global research pole for risk analysis, with a large number of researchers from all Catalan universities dedicated to such related disciplines as mathematics, statistics, computer science and data analysis, all possessing great capacity for working in multidisciplinary scientific teams.

More information: International Conference on Risk Analysis (ICRA 6 / Risk 15)