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BNC-b first Research Meeting

On 14 July 2011 BNC-b celebrates the first formal Research Meeting at Hotel Campus Bellaterra with the objective of reaffirming the identity of the Nanotechnology cluster, helping to establish contact between groups in the different institutions on the UAB Campus of International Excellence.


Participating as keynote speakers will be Laura Lechuga, from the CIN2-CSIC; Francesc Pérez Murano, from the IMB-CNM-CSIC; Jordi Sort, from the UAB Department of Physics; Clivia Sotomayor, from the ICN; Jaume Veciana, from the ICMAB-CSIC; and Javier Rodríguez Viejo, from the UAB Department of Physics and MATGAS.

The BNC-b was created in 2007 and comprises research centres and associated companies endowed with the knowledge, experience and resources needed to work in the field of nanotechnology. BCN-b represents an initiative to coordinate capacities and force in nanotechnology in one same geographic area with the aim of optimising resources.

In the following years this will be one of the fields with greatest projection for the UAB Campus of International Excellence, and may even achieve to define the scientific and technological reality of the region. In this field BNC-b is leader thanks to collaborations between UAB's departments of Physics, Chemistry, Geology, Microelectronics and Electronic Systems, Electronic Engineering, Chemical Engineering, Biochemistry, Celular Biology, Genetics and Microbiology, and the new Nanoscience and Nanotechnology Centre - Catalan Institute of Nanotechnology, ICN-CIN2 (member of CSIC, UAB and the Government of Catalonia), the ALBA Synchrotron, the Barcelona Institute of Materials Science (ICMAB-CSIC), the National Microelectronics Centre (CNM-CSIC), the Institute of High-Energy Physics (IFAE), the Institute of Biotechnologya and Biomedicine (IBB), MATGAS (joint venture between Carburos Metálicos - Air Products, UAB and CSIC) and other centres.

All these entities – including their laboratories – are located at the Campus of Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona and are at no more than 200 metres from each other. Joint human and technological resources and the generation of interdisciplinary knowledge permits cluster members to take on ambitious research and development initiatives at both local and international levels.

The Barcelona Nanotechnology Cluster - Bellaterra mission is to coordinate, promote and carry out R&D in the field of nanoscience and nanotechnology. Its vision is to set up an internationally renowned cluster dedicated to nanotechnology.

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