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Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona

Awards for TFGs using SL methodology

05 May 2023
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The taboo of sexually transmitted infections, psyllium as an ingredient to improve gluten-free bread, social mediation through the teaching of Spanish, and the incorporation of dance in the classroom were the topics addressed by UAB students who presented their TFGs using SL methodology and who have now been awarded for each field of knowledge. Four other works were also awarded prizes. The awards were presented during the 4th SL Conference at the UAB, which took place on Friday 5 May at the Faculty of Communication Studies.

Premiats del TFG amb ApS

In the framework of the 4th SL Conference at the UAB, the awards for the Final Degree Project (TFG) with SL methodology (for the 2021-2022 academic year) were presented. The people awarded in this edition were the authors of eight TFGs: Paula Ezpeleta (degree in Biology); Anna Serra Peralta (degree in Environmental Biology); Anna Aparicio (degree in Primary Education); Elisabet Pérez Méndez (degree in Sociocultural Gender Studies); Cristina Vergés Rodríguez (degree in Psychology); Lyna Tahraoui (degree in Translation and Interpreting); Queralt Garcia Vila (degree in Food Science and Technology); and Laura Fuertes Moyano (degree in Veterinary Medicine).

The TFG with service learning methodology arises from social or environmental needs detected in the environment and are carried out in collaboration with public entities or centres outside the UAB to try to solve this need.

The Faculty Dean Enric Marín, together with Vice Rector for Studies and Teaching Innovation Maria Valdés, and FAS Director Jordi Prat, presented the awards. The winners received a diploma and a small gift from the Fundació Autònoma Solidària (FAS). They went on stage to collect the award and said a few words.

According to award winner Paula Ezpeleta, "dissemination is crucial to continue to educate. We must have the most adequate skills to be able to adapt to new situations", and she added that she "would choose an SL again because it was very gratifying".

For Anna Serra, the project allowed her to "collaborate with an entity and learn how they function, and be able to apply the knowledge acquired during my studies". She also mentioned that it helped her choose what she wanted to do in the future. 

Award winner Elisabet Pérez pointed out that she "learned so many things from the children and people with functional diversity".

For authors Cristina Vergès and Maria Vieites, "the SL format allows us to apply all the contents we have seen during our academic studies; having come into contact with the real world has given us so much more experience". For them, focusing on emotional education "is a way to foster emotional education within the classroom". 

Queralt García spoke about how it "is a very good opportunity to see another way of working and dicovering the professional world". And finally, Laura Fuentes affirmed that she "enjoyed this process very much; in addition to theoretical skills, I was able to work wih real values that have helped me grow as a person".

Anna Aparicio and Lyna Tahraqui were not able to attend the awards ceremony.

Prizes in each area of knowledge

The jury selected the best TFGs by area of knowledge, and each winner recieved a cash prize of €250. These four final degree projects were awarded in their respective fields:

- In the field of Arts and Humanities, Lyna Tahraoui from the Degree in Translation and Interpreting. Title: Service-learning project in the context of social and intercultural mediation through the teaching of Spanish. Tutor: Olga Torres Hostench.

- In the area of Sciences, Biosciences and Technologies, Paula Ezpeleta Díaz from the Degree in Biology. Title: Undoing taboos: sexually transmitted infections. Tutor: Cristina Maria Pereira dos Santos.

- In the field of Health Sciences, Queralt Garcia Vila from the Degree in Food Science and Technology. Title: Psyllium as an ingredient to improve the texture and nutritional profile of gluten-free bread. Tutor: Núria Aguilar Puig.

- In the field of Social and Legal Sciences, Anna Aparicio from the Degree in Primary Education. Title: The incorporation of dance in the ordinary classroom. Tutor: Anna Farrés Llobet.

The awards were presented in the framework of the 4th SL Conference at the UAB, which was held from 9:30 a.m. to 3:00 p.m., with the aim of bringing the service learning methodology (SL) to organisations, teachers and students. The event included a conference, a practical workshop and an entities fair.


The UAB, with Sustainable Development Goals

  • Decent work and economic growth
  • Reduced inequalities
  • Peace, justice and strong institutions
  • Gender equality
  • No poverty
  • Zero hunger
  • Quality education
  • Responsible consumption and production
