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Applications for Impuls grants 2015-16 are now open

Beques Impuls 2015 FAS
The FAS has opened the period for applications for Impuls grants 2015-16, aimed at students with disabilities in situations of dependency to help them get to university. The deadline for applications is the 6th of November.


Impuls Grants are the Solidarity Autonomous Foundation (FAS)'s own line of financial support in cooperation with the Social Council of the UAB.  They are aimed at UAB students with disabilities in situations of dependency, that therefore require personal assistance or help with mobility in order to take collective or specific means of transport during their time at university.

For the seventh year running, the FAS has opened the period for applications for Impuls grants, which this year is from the 19th of October until the 6th of November at 2.00 pm. Applications must be made on the standard form, along with with all additional documents and should be delivered in person to PIUNE.

The grant conditions and the Application Form can be found at this link.

More information:  Impuls grants 2015 - 2016 - Conditions
Application Form for Impuls grants2015 - 2016

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