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Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona

Act against Female Genital Mutilation

10 Jul 2023
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The European project Chat Plus seeks young people interested in acquiring training and fighting against female genital mutilation. If you are aged 13 to 25 you can work with other young people to erradicate this practice that undermines the health and rights of women. The training is free and participants will also star in a communication and advocacy campaign.

Imatge cartell actua contra la Mutilació Genital Femenina

Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) is a serious violation against girls and women. In Europe, at least 500,000 women suffer the consequences of FGM and over 180,000 girls and women ar at risk of being mutilated. FGM includes all procedures involved in partially or completely removing the external female genitals, or injuring the genital organs for non-medical reasons. In addition to not providing any real benefit for women or girls, this practice negatively affects their physical and psychological health.

In order to prevent FGM and end this reality within the communities who practice it, the UAB Solidarity Foundation (FAS) and the Wassu–UAB Foundation have developed the project CHAT Plus  - Changing Attitude Plus, co-funded by the European Union and which is being carried out also in Italy, Portugal, Ireland and the Netherlands. The CHAT Plus project includes three main actions: engaging young people from the affected communities; implementing a communication campaign in social networks, creating banners and comics; and setting up a multi-agency collaboration to eradicate FGM at local and European scale. 

The initiative seeks to strengthen the abilities of young people, aged 13 to 25, by providing training and equipping them with skills needed to become activitists and carry out a communication campaign focused on preventing the practice of FGM. The training will be free and will last 16 hours. It will consist in the following four dynamic workshop sessions: “El canvi d’actituds: què és la comunicació de canvi de comportament;  “la perspectiva sobre la MGF: la MGF com a qüestió de drets humans i de la salut de les nenes i dones.”; la  perspectiva de gènere: la desigualtat de gènere a les societats i les estratègies  per superar-la” i “Debat i educació: la metodologia del debat com a eina clau per als futurs activistes.”.

The training will take place on 29 and 30 September and 6 and 7 October, Fridays from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. and Saturdays from 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m at the headquarters of LaFede.cat (Carrer Tàpies 1-3, 08001 Barcelona). To participate please send an email to: fas.cooperacio@uab.cat with a presentation letter or short video explaining "How you would foster change and end female genital mutilation?” (before 30 July 2023).
