‘No direction home’ is back to Sala Cinema de la UAB
The documentary cinema series is part of the actions from the MAR project: Migration, Asylum and Refuge in University, organized by FAS’ Shelter Programme. This proposal aims to strengthen the role of university as a key agent in the defence of human rights, in this case, of migrants and people seeking refuge. Cinefòrum is carried out in the context of a university that is institutionally committed with this year’s slogan: #UABRefugi: Autònoma shelters.
The cinema series about migration and human rights will continue with the screening of Nowhere to Hide, by Zaradasht Ahmed, on Tuesday 26 February 2019 at 1 p.m. This movie is a documentary in which nurse Nori Sharif records, camera in hand, five years of dramatic changes in one of the most dangerous and inaccessible places on Earth, “the death triangle”, in the centre of Iraq. The documentary immortalizes people’s hope when north-American troops leave and the rise of ISIS that forces civil population to flee, Nori Sharif included. Entry to this screening, as well as the rest of screenings for this cinema series, is free until the capacity of the room is full.
La vida loca, by Christian Poveda, will be the third screening within the cinefòrum series. The documentary offers an extreme portrait of one of the most dangerous and violent bands in Latin America: the Mara 18, in El Salvador. The director, an undercover member in the band, collects information from the day-to-day life of the members of Mara and their enemies, Mara Salvatrucha, with whom they are at war. This documentary will be screened on 1st April 2019.
Finally, the movie that will put an end to the cinema series will be IDRISSA, crònica d’una mort qualsevol by Xavier Artigas and Xapo Ortega. This is a group project about the migration reality starting from Idrissa Diallo’s death in the Foreigners Detention Center of Barcelona on 6 January 2012. The documentary recreates the hypothetical trip of Idrissa with her brother and how they must separate. The movie aims to report institutional racism and to raise awareness about the situation of human rights violation when it comes to migrants. The screening will take place on Monday 6 May 2019 at 12 noon.
For more information about the documentary cinema series on refuge, migrations and human rights, you may check the FAS’ social media.