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65 ideas for the FM UAB 2016 poster

Concurs Cartell FMUAB 2016
The winning poster for the UAB FM will be chosen from among 65 different proposals submitted by students from all the UAB faculties and the university staff.


The UAB FM will take place on 10 November and it will not be long before the winning poster is announced. This year the FM poster contest is holding its first edition and has proved to be a success: we have received 65 different proposals!

The contest is open to students of all the UAB faculties and university staff. The winning poster will be the one that best represents the essence of the FM and depicts the event in an inclusive, non-sexist and participatory manner. The contestants are allowed to submit up to two different proposals and to participate either individually or in groups.
The winning submission will be chosen by a jury formed by UAB students and staff, and will be announced on 20 October via The prize will be awarded on FM day, consisting of €300 in prize money. Moreover, the winning poster will be shown campus-wide and will appear in every UAB FM document this year.
The FM is a great chance to celebrate the UAB community spirit and to promote cohesion among students, staff and student societies. On the FM day, all academic and professional activities stop in the UAB and the student societies promote their activities throughout the campus. Don’t forget to check out the FM app available for Android and iOS if you want to know more about our university’s annual celebration.