2018 award ceremony of the prizes to the best TFGs with gender perspective

The 3rd edition of the prizes to the best TFG's with gender perspective will conclude on 27 November with the award ceremony. The event will take place at the Plaça Cívica's Sala Teatre at 12 pm. These prizes are awarded by the Observatory for Equality to promote research on gender.
The Vice-rector for Students and Employability, Sara Moreno, the president of the Institut Català de les Dones, Núria Balada, and the Director of the Observatory, Joana Gallego, who will give away the certificates, will take part of the event.
In this edition, there have been 93 TFGs from various faculties of the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, and 27 have been given a prize. This year, theprizes to the best TFGs with gender perspectives add up to a total amount of 1,000€, which will be distributed among the winning works in the four areas of knowledge: Sciences, Biosciences and Engineering; Health Sciences; Social Sciences and Law; and finally, Arts and Humanities.
With this initiave, the UAB's Observatory for Equality seeks to boost students' interest for research on gender in all areas of knowledge.