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Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona

Martí Perarnau Llobet receives Young Researcher Award in theoretical physics

03 Oct 2024
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Department of Physics researcher Martí Perarnau Llobet received the Spanish Royal Physics Society-BBVA Foundation Award in the category of Young Researcher in Theoretical Physics. Perarnau recently began to work as a Ramón y Cajal researcher at the UAB Quantum Information Group.

Martí Perarnau

Martí Perarnau Llobet, researcher in the UAB Department of Physics, was awarded the Spanish Royal Physics Society-BBVA Foundation Award in the category of young researcher in theoretical physics. Since 2008, these awards have been given yearly in recognition of the creativity, efforts and achievements made in the fields of physics, with the aim of motivating professionals conducting both research and teaching at secondary and university levels, as well as innovation, technology and dissemination tasks.

The society conferred the award to Perarnau Llobet for his relevant contributions in the field of quantum information, and particularly in quantum and stochastic thermodynamics. In this field, he has explored the thermodynamic properties at nanometric scale of physical systems with an important impact on quantum technologies. His pioneering studies have paved the way for the optimisation and manipulation of open quantum systems, information processing and metrology.

Martí Perarnau Llobet worked on his PhD with Professor Antonio Acín at the Institute of Photonic Sciences (ICFO) from 2012 to 2016. There he became interested in the study of quantum thermodynamics based on a new perspective coming from quantum information theory. He then moved to Professor Ignacio Cirac's group at the Max Planck Institute for Quantum Optics (MPQ) in Munich as a Humboldt Fellow, where he continued his line of research on quantum thermodynamics, while expanding his interests to metrology and quantum optics. At the end of his postdoctoral stage in Munich he won an SNF Ambizione project that he carried out at the University of Geneva for the years 2020 to 2024. He recently joined the Quantum Information Group (GIQ) at UAB as a Ramón y Cajal researcher.
