Catalan forms part of the Erasmus+ programme's language support platform
The European Commission has announced that Catalan will form part of the Eramus+ mobility programme's Online Language Support (OLS) platform. The OLS platform is designed to help Erasmus students improve their language skills before they go to the country where they will be studying or working. Until now, the platform only included languages officially used in the European institutions and other languages offered by university programmes, but did not include Catalan, Basque or Galician.
Thanks to this decision, Catalan is recognised as a language of international mobility. The universities belonging to Catalan-speaking territories - one of the language regions with the highest number of mobility students in the European Union - grouped together in the Xarxa Vives Universities network, have collaborated with the Generalitat de Catalunya to promote this measure. The incorporation of Catalan into the OLS was also one of the commitments set out in the Plan to strengthen the Catalan language in Catalonia's university and research system promoted by the Ministry for Research and Universities.
The OLS platform allows a mobility student to find out, through an online test, his/her level of understanding and knowledge of the language(s) of the host university during his/her academic stay and offers training, at least at A1 level, in the languages of the host university. In addition, participation in the OLS guarantees that students can follow online courses to improve their knowledge of the language of the host university during their academic stay.
Although the full integration of Catalan into the OLS with the same content and resources as the other languages that form part of it will not take place until 2027, when the new tender for the platform is scheduled, a website has been set up with the same structure and type of content offered by the platform that links to the reference portal for online courses
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