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Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona
ECIU University

Founding of the Spanish Universities in European Universities group

11 Oct 2024
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The UAB forms part of the European Consortium of Innovative Universities (ECIU), which launched the ECIU University with the aim of offering a European University in which students, researchers, entrepreneurs, citizens, public organisations and associations could create innovative solutions to real-life challenges, and  bring about real social impact.

La UAB entra a formar par del grup Universitats Espanyoles en Universitats Europees (UEUE)

The UAB will form part of the new Spanish Universities in European Universities (Universitats Espanyoles en Universitats Europees, UEUE) group, founded at the end of September 2024 after a meeting at the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, attended by over 80 representatives from member universities.

After more than five years of informal contacts coordinated by the University of Barcelona, the group has now established governance and operating rules to achieve the group's objective more effectively. The incorporation of new universities into the group has been gradual: from 22 member universities in 2019 to 55 universities belonging to 52 alliances in 2024.

The group’s goal is to create a collaborative environment in which knowledge, experiences and good practices can be shared by the universities and other higher education institutions participating in European university alliances. There is also the will to work jointly with the rest of higher education institutions in which collaborations are needed to overcome the challenges of the Spanish university system within a European context.

Before the end of the year, the group expects formally to constitute its assembly, approve the rules of operation and elect the members of the first executive committee that will coordinate the group in this new stage.

The UAB, with Sustainable Development Goals

  • Quality education
