Faculty of Science opens new teaching labs

Presentació dels nous laboratoris de Química, Facultat de Ciències UAB

On 3 March the new chemistry teaching laboratories will open for the different bachelor's degrees offered at the Faculty of Science and Faculty of Biosciences. The remodelling of the new laboratories form part of the refurbishings of Building C's Espina C7. 


The new teaching laboratories have been fully refurbished, both in facilities and in equipment, allowing students to make the most out of their practical sessions.

The new facilities take over from the older chemistry teaching laboratories located in Torre C5 senar, which will now become laboratories for students of the biosciences degrees.

Attending the inauguration of the new labs were UAB Rector Javier Lafuente, Faculty of Science Dean Juan Jesús Donaire, Faculty of Biosciences Dean Isidre Gibert, and Department of Chemistry Director Lluís Escriche.