What was that about the Germans? And the French? And the Italians? And the Portuguese?

Imatge Sant Jordi 2018
This Sant Jordi, let's poke fun at stereotypes. Language Service activities you can take part in: screening of the videos "Thinking Stereotypes" plus debate, at the Sant Jordi stand on the Plaça Cívica, and book market at the Language Service building. Why not come along?


The Language Service is putting together a very special Diada celebration with activities for the whole university community as part of the UAB's Sant Jordi programme.
- Thinking Stereotypes
What was that about the Germans? And the French? And the Italians? And the Portuguese?
Screening of four videos made by the Language Service that invite us to think critically about the stereotypes that are often associated with speakers of Italian, German, French and Portuguese and their countries. Followed by a chance to talk about the videos with teachers of these four languages at the Language Service.
This is one of the activities aimed at developing the intercultural competence of university-community members.
23 April, 1 p.m., at the UAB cinema
- #Comdiuquesón
We'll see you on 23 April at the Language Service stand on the Plaça Cívica, where you can show off all your knowledge of other cultures. Are Germans punctual? Do Italians eat pasta for breakfast, lunch and dinner? Do Catalans really know nothing about Portugal? And what about the French?
23 April, at the Plaça Cívica.
- Book market at the Language Service
At the Language Service building you'll find a table laid out with books in different languages to rummage through and take your pick.  You're welcome to take any one that you like, and also to bring along books of your own that you've already read and would like to give away.
23 to 25 April, at the entrance to B4 Building (Edifici B4).
See you on internet too!