We begin the call for the third edition of the prizes to the best TFGs with a gender perspective

3a edició dels premis als millors TFG amb perspectiva de gènere
The Observatory for Equality organises for the third time the prizes for the best TFGs with a gender perspective and opens the registration until September 21st.


For one more year, we begin the call for the prizes to the best TFGs with a gender perspective together with the Institut Català de les Dones (ICD). With these prizes we want to raise awareness among students about gender equality and non-discrimination by promoting their interest on research.
Regarding the subject of the TFGs, we understand gender perspective as a critical approach to any phenomenon which discovers, gives visibility, analyses or faces inequality between women and men, including the social and cultural institutions supporting it, such as family, sexuality, sex separation of work, socialization processes, law, beliefs, values and social norms, among others.
Gender perspective considers gender as a historical construction with a social and cultural character which acts as a principle, unequally orders the access to resources (material, ideological and symbolic) and establishes a hierarchy between what is defined in each context as masculine or feminine, articulating and reinforcing other inequalities.
Regarding the Prize to the Best TFGs with a gender perspective, we count with a total amount of €1,000 which will be given to the winning TFGs in the four categories: Sciences, Biosciences and Engineering; Health Sciences; Social and Juridical Sciences; and finally, Arts and Humanities.
Students willing to take a chance to win the Prizes to the Best TFGs with a Gender Perspective have to sign up using the online form and send the TFG in PDF format (without the author’s name), as well as a copy of the degree’s academic record, to observatori.igualtat@uab.cat before September 21st, 2018. For more information, check the rules of the prize.
Second edition of the prizes to the TFG on sustainable development and global justice
The Fundació Autònoma Solidària opens the registration for the Prize to TFGs on Sustainable Development and Global Justice, an initiative which is part of the contribution by the UAB to the 2030 Agenda and the Sustainable Development Goals and which already had its first edition during this year 2017-2018.
The TFGs opting to the Prizes to the Best TFGs on Sustainable Development and Global Justice may study the following subjects: sustainable development, social economy and cooperativism, human rights, right of asylum, governance and participatory democracy, conflicts and peace construction, migration, interculturalism, anti-racism, participation, volunteering, social movements, education for global justice, healthy communities and situations, community health.
The prize has the support of the Barcelona City Council, which will reward the best TFGs in each of the aforementioned categories with a total amount of 1000 euros.
Students willing to take part of the Prizes to the Best TFGs on Sustainable Development and Global Justice have to send the TFG and a letter signed by the tutor specifying the delivery deadline and the grade to fas.cooperacio@uab.cat before September 21st, 2018. For more information check the rules of the prize.