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The influence of aspect in the efficiency of visual advertising messages

Mensaje Grafico Publicitario

This research focuses on how to improve the efficiency of visual advertising messages from the formal perspective of design, and specifies variations in preference depending on changes in visual stimuli caused by changes in the appearance of the advertising message, as well as the importance of appearance in communication performance.

The work is orientated towards the study of the influence of the appearance in the efficiency of the graphical design applied to a sector in rise since it is the packing and packing. For it, there has been applied a methodology of instrumental analysis where the first technology of used investigation is a technology qualitative (Focus Group) used to investigate and to determine the variables of study (Contrast, Color, Form, Texture and Orientation) that justify the preference of the receiver to a certain appearance. This technology was in use in the work of investigation that preceded this doctoral thesis. It is not a question of knowing so much if a packing works better than different; about what it treats itself it is of how it influences each of the visual variables that intervene to be able to manage the way of obtaining the major communicative performance.

It is thesis is based on the experimental methodology developed by previous investigations that study the receipt of the communication from the interaction between the manipulation of the stimuli of the messages and the receivers. The answers of the receivers allow to determine the influence of the appearance in the conduct of the same ones and, therefore, the communicative efficiency of the message.

In the present investigation an experimental methodology has followed to need the influence of the Aspect in the conduct of the receiver. The results allow to understand the influence that the visual stimuli of the appearance have for the objective public of the graphical message, as well as to fit the visual stimuli to his preferences.

The first part of the thesis includes the reasons that have led to making concrete the object of study and the aims, and the previous methodologies.

In the second part, the text includes a wide condition of the question where the conceptual instruments are contemplated: to observe the appearance with rigor and scientific precision the investigation bases on the interaction message-receiver from the perspective of the visual perception.

The efficiency of the graphical messages is a problem of perception of the message, concretely of visual perception. For it, the Theory of the Gestalt is in the base of the theoretical frame with regard to the perceptive processes of the graphical message. In addition there are physiological factors: the vision, cognitive factors like the memory and the conscience. But especially it is a communicologic problem that limits itself in the frame of the Theory of the Aesthetic State as paradigm of the graphical communication, concretely in the graphical advertising message. Also one presents the theory of the appearance and the visual categories that they form.

All this gives like proved the construction and application of instruments of experimental measurement for the study of the appearance of the graphical advertising message on the basis of the visual variables described in previous investigations in the area of the graphical formal communication.

The third part of the work exposes the experimental methodology developed in this third doctoral thesis, as well as the explanation of each one of the experiments realized for each of the independent variables (Contrast, Color and Texture) by means of the Model of Formal Inquiry of similar couples and the Platform of Analysis of the Receipt of the Communication (PARC) that is the instrument with which the test of receipt were realized.

In the fourth part one presents the statistical analysis of the information by means of the statistical package SPSS, and the results of the experiments with his respective statistical conclusion. Finally, in the fifth part they present the conclusions of the investigation, in the sixth one the bibliography is included and, in the seventh one, the annexes.

José Manuel Martínez Bouza


"La influencia del aspecto en la eficiencia del mensaje gráfico publicitario". PhD thesis defended by José Manuel Martínez Bouza, 12 july, 2010.

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