The fourth edition of the Prizes to the best TFGs with gender perspective has begun

Convocatòria de la 4a edició dels Premis TFG
The Observatory for Equality organises for the fourth time the Prizes to the best TFGs with gender perspective and registration is open until 20 September 2019.


For the fourth consecutive year, the call of the Prizes to the best TFGs with gender perspective is open, together with the Institut Català de les Dones (ICD). These prizes have the goal of raising awareness among students on gender equality and non-discrimination and promoting their interest in research.

Which TFGs can be presented? All the TFGs done during the academic year 2018-2019, which have obtained a minimum qualification of 8,5 points and in which gender perspective is applied to the research. By gender perspective we refer to a critical approach to any phenomenon which reveals, gives visibility, analyses or faces inequalities between women and men, including social and cultural institutions sustaining it, such as family, sexuality, division of labour by gender, socialization processes, laws, beliefs, values and social norms, among others.

Regarding the Prizes to the best TFGs with gender perspective, there are €1,000 assigned that will be divided among the winning works in four categories: Sciences, Biosciences and Engineering; Health Sciences; Social and Juridical Sciences; and finally, Arts and Humanities.

Students willing to opt in to the Prizes to the best TFGs with gender perspective have to fill the online form before 20 September 2019. For more information you can check the award rules.