The Effective Gender Equality in Research and the Academia project (EGERA) meets again at UAB

EGERA Workshop 2016
The Observatory for Equality holds again a workshop for this European project, to introduce seminars on Gender in Research and Gender in Universities’ Governance, as well as several meetings of the Advisory Council, the Consortium Board, and the committee of researchers


Sessions on the EGERA project, which studies gender equality in research and the academia, will be held on 18, 19 and 20 January 2016 by the Autonomous University of Barcelona, thanks to the Observatory for Equality.
Sessions will be divided into 3 days, the first of which will host meetings of all Advisory Council, the Consortium Board, and the committee of researchers. Meetings will be opened by the rector, Ferran Sancho, and the vice-rector of Research, Pilar Dellunde.
During the Second Seminar on Gender, Governance, and Evaluation, to be held on the 19th, a Charter on Gender bias in evaluation and governance in universities will be discussed and prepared. In addition, professor Maria Bustelo, Head of the Gender Equality Office at the Complutense University of Madrid, and former President of the European Evaluation Society, will deliver as an expert of the Seminar.
The Third Gender Perspective in Research Workshop, lead by the UAB, will take place on the last day, and it is aimed to discuss the selection criteria for a future database of good practices on gender and research. Such data shall be collected by all partners of the EGERA project in their own countries, in order to contribute to a useful database for the entire scientific community.
Torre Vila-Puig, home to the Friends of UAB association, is the chosen venue for the workshop, and is at a short walk from the FGC stop “Bellaterra”, or across the Vila Universitària from the campus.
Further information about the workshop or the EGERA project is available in the web or the linked calendar.

More information:
EGERA Workshop Agenda