Qilimanjaro Quantum Tech, main protagonist of Racó de l'Emprenedor's next meeting

Cartell de presentació de la sessió del Racó de l'Emprenedor de dijous 23 de maig.

Racó de l’Emprenedor is back, a place to share experiences and create synergies amongst companies. The next session will take place on Thursday, May 23rd, at 3 p.m., at Sala Hub B30, with the people at Qilimanjaro Quantum Tech as speakers.


Initially designed as a meeting point amongst businesses and entrepreneurs adhered to the UAB Research Park’s network, the Racó de l’Emprenedor wants, at the same time, to give the opportunity to these same companies to bruit their projects to other entrepreneurs.

The first meeting will have Marta Pasqual Estadellas, CEO at  Qilimanjaro Quantum Tech as its protagonist. Qilimanjaro is an advanced technology start-up that approaches real-life problems with quantum technology. Their main goal is to co-design high-quality quantum computers based on qubit superconductors for specific market uses. Amongst other acknowledgments, they recently received the award for Best Digital Startup at the 4YFN Fair.

During the meeting, the Qilimanjaro team will share with businesses and entrepreneurs on the UAB campus their experience transitioning from an academic environment to the business world, as well as their secrets in financial tracking and investment rounds.

Take this opportunity to learn and connect with the experts at Qilimanjaro Quantum Tech. We are waiting for you to spend an afternoon full of dynamism, inspiration, and knowledge transference.

To attend, it is mandatory to sign up following this link: https://forms.office.com/e/qJj3aNCCtB