Commemorative act for the 25N

Cartell en motiu del 25N 2022

The Observatory for Equality of the UAB has programmed two activities in the framework of the Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women, the latter of which is a commemorative act that will be held on 29 November at 12 noon 


The commemorative act for the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women will take place at the Rectorat building’s conference hall on 29 November at 12 noon. The programme will start with the reading of the manifesto of the Women and Science Committee of the Inter-university Council of Catalonia (CIC) by the Delegates for Equality. It will befollowed by a conference on “New developments in the field of non-discrimination in Law 15/2022, integral for equal employment and non-discrimination" by Carolina Gala, Professor of Labour and Social Security Law at the UAB. 

The Women and Science Committee of the CIC is responsible for ensuring the effective equality between women and men in research and teaching. It also ensures the application of the Action and Development Plan for Women’s Policies in the Catalan university system. The UAB adheres to this committee’s manifesto through the Observatory for Equality. 

The figure of the Delegates for Equality students is promoted and coordinated jointly by the Community Involvement Unit and the Observatory for Equality of the UAB, as foreseen in the Fourth Action Plan for Gender Equality. The Equality delegates receive training in gender topics to carry out their tasks, to become a reference for students in this area. This way, the application of gender policies in centres, the detection and first reception of people in situations of male chauvinist violence and the introduction of the gender perspective in the Student Council, among others, will be easier. 

The lecturer Carolina Gala is Professor of Labour and Social Security Law at the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona and holds a PhD in Law from the UAB (1995). Her lines of research are structured around the topics of voluntary improvements, the reconciliation of work and family life and retirement policies. 

The Observatory also adheres to the Network of Gender Equality Unities for University Excellence (RUIGEU)’s manifesto. RUIGEU is a network that connects all units, commissions, offices, observatories and secretaries that work for gender equality in public and private universities in Spain. 

The International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women has its origins in the assassination of the Mirabal sisters in the Dominican Republic on 25 November 1960. They were killed for their militancy and feminist activism. In 2000, the United Nations (UN) established 25 November as a day to commemorate the fight against male chauvinist violence. As of November of this year, the number of femicides in 2022 has risen to 38 in Spain, according to the Ministry of Equality. 

The Observatory for Equality of the UAB is the university’s Equality Unit. The UAB has a protocol to prevent and act against male chauvinist violence and sexual harassment, harassment based on sex, sexual orientation, gender identity and gender expression. Likewise, the Observatory offers the UAB community a psychological counselling service through the Psychogender Unit. You can consult this leaflet containing more information. 

More information: 25N 2022 poster