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Birth of CReSAPIENS, the CReSA's science popularisation magazine

The aim of the Research Centre for Animal Health (CReSA) of informing the wider public about the centre's research and findings culminated in the birth of CReSAPIENS, a popular science magazine which explains in simple language to readers from all sectors the research and advances generated at the centre. It is an initiative which began one year ago and reflects the scientific sector's growing awareness of the need for social communication of science.

CReSAPIENS is a science divulgation journal aimed to divulgate the knowledge and results of research generated at the CReSA. This initiative has been funded by the FECYT, through the Call for Aid for the promotion of scientific culture and innovation 2010.

The Centre de Recerca en Sanitat Animal (CReSA) is aware of the importance of the social communication of the science and considers that citizens have the right to know the research carried out in our country. CReSAPIENS has been created with the aim of approaching science to society, trying to make understandable issues only reserved for the scientific community until now.

In the first issue we deal with a topic that generates a growing concern: the emerging viral diseases as a consequence, among other factors, of global migratory movements, climate change, animal movements and deforestation; and due in part to globalization. We cannot forget cases such as the Asian bird flu outbreaks in 2005 and social alarm caused by the pandemic flu in 2009.

The Editorial Board of CReSAPIENS is a multidisciplinary team that has been working enthusiastically to create this divulgation tool in order to disseminate the scientific knowledge in animal health and advances achieved by the CReSA researchers

The first issue of CReSAPIENS has been funded by the Fundación Española para la Ciencia y la Tecnología (FECYT), through the Call for Aid for the promotion of scientific culture and innovation 2010.

Elisabet Rodríguez González
Departament de Comunicació



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