Awards given to the Best TFGs with a Gender Perspective

Foto de grup del lliurament de premis als millors TFG amb Perspectiva de Gènere

The 27 Final Degree Projects (TFG) with a Gender Perspective awarded by the UAB’s Observatory for Equality, in collaboration with the Catalan Women's Institute, were presented on Thursday 29 April at a ceremony in the Rectorate building.


The 6th edition of the Awards for the Best TFGs with a Gender Perspective —organised by the Observatory for Equality, with the collaboration of the Catalan Women’s Institute, has awarded  on Friday, 29th April, the 27 winner TFGs (finished in the academic year 2020— 

2021), out of the total of 86 works presented from the different faculties of Sciences, Communication Studies, Educational Sciences, Political Sciences and Sociology, Law, Arts and Humanities, Medicine, Psychology, Translation and Interpretation and the School of Engineering of the UAB. 


The topics covered by the awarded projects are diverse and topical, such as the locasitation and identification of unsafe spaces for women in cities, human trafficking for the purpose of sexual exploitation, sexuality in primary education, the representation of lesbianism in TV series like “Amar es para siempre” or “Lumelia”, the transgender reality and its relationship with the health system, or the approach to depression, among many other equally interesting issues. You can consult them all here


The edition is part of the Awards for the best TFGs for social transformation, organised by the Observatory for Equality and the Fundació Autònoma Solidària. 


The Vice-Rector of Communication and Culture, Virginia Luzón; the Executive Director of the Catalan Institute for Women, Neus Pociello, and the Director of the Observatory, Maria Prats, will take part in the event and will hand out the diplomas and gifts to the award winners, thanks to the support of the Catalan Institute for Women. The Observatory will contribute to its promotion by publishing the award-winning projects on its website. 


In her speech, Neus Pociello encouraged to the graduates to continue to introduce the gender perspective in everything they do in the future, whether professionally or academically. Vice-Rector Luzón emphasized the fundamental role of tutors in the projects awarded, encouraging and guiding the students in their studies. Maria Prats congratulated and praised the quality of the more than 80 projects presented, which the organization assessed and evaluated in order to award the 27 prizes. 


The winners who were able to attend or, in their absence, their relatives, went up to the stage to collect the award and at the same time offered a few words of thanks and a brief explanation of their TFG: 


The next edition will start between June and July 2022, and all the TFGs with a gender perspective in the 2021-2022 academic year will be eligible to participate. 



This information is related to the following SDG