First semester evaluation surveys
The evaluation surveys for the first semester of the 2024/25 academic year corresponding to the teaching performance of faculty members and subjects/modules will be available until 17 January 2025.
The survey on the teaching performance of the lecturers is made available to students every semester. It is the tool that allows to know the degree of satisfaction of students on issues related to the academic activities offered by lecturers in class, and at the same time allows to evaluate and improve the development of the academic programmes.
This survey can be answered through the survey webpage until 17 January 2025.
The evaluation of university degree subjects/modules is the tool that allows to discover the extent of satisfaction of students on issues related to the degree subject in which they are enrolled, and at the same time, allows to evaluate and improve the development of the academic programmes. The students' opinion on the content of the subjects/modules is essential for detecting their strengths and weaknesses. Their assessment allows the necessary adjustments to be made so that the degrees respond to the learning expectations of users.
The UAB's academic programmes are constantly evaluated for improvement. The evaluation surveys are a basic tool for detecting the strengths and weaknesses of the courses offered, the content of the subjects and the performance of lecturers. The UAB encourages its students and graduates to answer them as their evaluation allows the necessary adjustments to be made so that they meet the learning expectations.
The UAB guarantees the confidentiality of the evaluations that students give to their lecturers and subjects/modules, since the personal identification of students - necessary to ensure that each student only answers the questionnaires that correspond to him/her - and the evaluations they make, are not related, and have no possibility of connection.
For more information please visit: UAB surveys webpage