
De la ciència al mercat

Open registry for the sixth edition of « De la Ciència al Mercat »

Created by the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, the Universitat de Barcelona, the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, the Universitat Pompeu Fabra, and the Universitat de Girona, the programme gives PhD candidates and students from the member universities the necessary tools for creating a tech company.

La transferència de coneixement en ciències socials i humanitats

Over 250 researchers to meet at the UAB to reflect on knowledge transfer in social sciences and the humanities

On 9 May, the AccessCat Network coordinated by the UAB, with the support of the Office of the Vice Rector for Transfer, Innovation and Entrepreneurship and AGAUR, and the collaboration of the UAB Parc de Recerca and the General Direction of Transfer and Society of Knowledge of the Government of Catalonia, has organised a seminar entitled "Transfer of Knowledge in Social Sciences and the Humanities". The seminar will take place at the conference hall of the Rectorat building.