Indicators of the Library Service


Indicador 2023 2022 2021
Percentage of performance of the Service's objectivesMinimum 85% 93,07% 96,88% 96,41%


Indicator 2023 2022 2021
Level of user satisfaction in relation to the attention of the staff
Minimum 3,5
-- 4,35 --
Level of user satisfaction in relation to the overall assessment of the provision of the service
Minimum 3
-- 4,19 --
Number of improvement actions 256 271 146
Level of user satisfaction in relation to the workspaces
Minimum 3
-- 4,09 --
Number of complaints, citations and suggestions 311 284 240


Indicator 2023 2022 2021
Average hours of training per person and year
Minimum 40 hours
51,26 48,33 42,59
Inclusion measures and improvement of the work environment 20 18 50


Indicator 2023 2022 2021
Social networks: Twitter. Engagement
Minimum 1%
2,92% 2,59% 1,40%
Social networks: Instagram. Engagement
Minimum 10%
18,62% 23,09% 10,02%
Number of activities carried out 24 15 6
Number of web pages viewed 1.202.117 2.090.834 5.027.545
Youtube: Growth in views, which must be equal to or greater than the previous year 24.901 9465 --
Level of user satisfaction in relation to the SdB website
Minimum: 3 (scale from 1 to 5)
-- 3,97 --


Indicator 2023 2022 2021
Servei Pregunt@: percentage of responses sent within a maximum of 3 working days following the query
Minimum 90%
92,00% 92,20% 90,90%
Level of user satisfaction in relation to the resolution of doubts and queries
Minimum 3
-- 4,18 --
Number of pages viewed on the web Propietat intel·lectual i accés obert
Minimum 18.000
16.700 19.132


Number of pages viewed on the web SAAR 17.100 30.185 7.646


Indicator 2023 2022 2021
Days on average of the orders of external libraries requested at the UAB
Maximum 3
1,49 1,48 1,81
Loan: Percentage of real users of loans in relation to potential users
Minimum 55%
61,25% 44,88% 55,54%
Number of loans greater than 80% of the previous year (Annual number of loans) Achieved Achieved 8,43
Average days of receipt of the digital documents requested by the UAB from external libraries
Maximum 3
2,15 -- --
Level of user's satisfaction in relation with the borrowing service
Minimum 3 (scale from 1 to 5)
-- 4,37 --


Indicator 2023 2022 2021
Level of user satisfaction in relation to training courses
Minimum 3
4,51 4,54 4,53
Number of users who attend the training actions 6.785 4.410 5.289


Indicator 2023 2022 2021
Number of inquiries received in relation to scientific production
Minimum 35
90 57 40
Percentage of queries to the PIAO website resolved in a maximum of 5 business days
Minimum 90%
100% 95% 90%
Percentage of articles referenced in the scientific production database (CRIS) that exists in DDD
Mínimo 10%
22,55% 16,86% 11,19%
Average of the review process of the records for their incorporation into the DDD
Maximum 50 días
59 188 234
Level of user satisfaction in relation to research support
Minimum 3
-- 4,02 --
Percentage of growth of the scientific production of the UAB in the DDD
Minimum 10%
9,84% 11,46% 7,77%


Indicator 2023 2022 2021
Inventory of monographs: the percentage of documents lost in relation to the documents inventoried
Maximum 0,100%
0,19 -- --
Digital Library: average number of queries to databases subscribed per user
Minimum 20
26,48 26,42 44,27
Digital Library: average number of articles downloaded per user
Minimum 30
31,96 31,4 31,76
Digital Library: average of e-books consulted by user
Minimum 10
18,44 9,42 13,18
Digital Library: acceptable average price per full text download
Maximum 2€
0,64€ 0,68€ 0,87€
Average percentage of documents not located in relation to the total number of items in the location of the lost document
Maximum 0,05%
0,02 0,03 0,01
Average days of delivery of documentary materialMaximum 30 days 18 20 --
Average days of technical processing of documents purchased on paper
Maximum 8 days
6,14 6,21 9,67
Growth percentage of the collection of personal and Institutional funds in the DDD 0,41 0,46 1,91
Level of user satisfaction in relation to the documentary collection
Minimum 3
-- 4,02 --


Indicator 2023   2022 2021
Non-documentary providers: Ratio of the number of requests with the claims of the providers -- -- --
Number of spaces renovated 8 5 4


Indicator 2023  2022 2021
Level of user satisfaction in relation to the computer equipment
Minimum 3
-- 3,60 --
Percentage of obsolete computers
Maximum 6 years
5,80% 4,20% 11,08%
Computer equipment: Percentage of unscheduled incidents resolved within a period of 2 business days
Minimum 80%
75,00% 73,70% --%
Percentage equal to or greater than 95% in platform availability (DDD)
Equal to or greater than 95%
99,18% 96,6% --