We will be attending Expolingua Berlin 2019: the International Fair for Languages and Culture

Expolingua Berlin 2019
In Expolingua Berlin 2019 there will be more than 150 exhibitors from more than 30 countries.


UAB Languages Barcelona will be attending one of the most important events in the field of learning and teaching foreign languages, international travel and global cultures, addressed to students, teachers, parents, professional and executives, translators and interpreters.

In Expolingua Berlin 2019 there will be workshops, seminars and performances with extensive information on international, local and online language courses. UAB Languages Barcelona will provide detailed information about Spanish Courses and our Teacher Training programmes. Once more, we will present the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB), the study opportunities in Barcelona and specifically the Spanish courses at the University language centre in Barcelona.

Our stand number will be A50, located on the ground floor. Information on Complete programme.

Russiches haus der Wissenschaft und Kultur
Friedrichstrasse 176 – 179
10117 Berlin-Mitte

Friday 22th – Saturday 23th, November 2019

Opening times:
10 a.m. to 6 p.m. 

Free entry tickets and group registration (from 5 people) for school class, university groups or project teams.


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