The School

More than 10 years working with ISDIN

10 anys col·laborant amb ISDIN

Grow your company by learning languages!


Every year numerous companies invest in language training for their staff, reaping the benefit in the form of their employees’ personal fulfillment, as well as enhancing their company’s ability to communicate internationally. UAB Idiomes Barcelona offer high-quality tailor-made courses for companies and institutions, aimed at catering for the specific professional needs of workers, both individually and collectively.

ISDIN, the international Company which is Spain’s market leader in dermatological products, have used UAB Idiomes Barcelona as their language training supplier for over ten years. In 2019-2020, fifty-two ISDIN employees took part in the English courses we ran on ISDIN premises, split up into seven groups. During the academic year, and as a result of the Covid-19 confinement, ISDIN took the option to move over half of those courses online, via videoconferencing platforms.

Marta Guarda, Head of Development at ISDIN, reports that their employees were extremely satisfied with the quality and dynamism of the clases they took. In her own words, Marta underlines “the teachers’ flexibility and willingness to change the class timetables to meet the participants needs” as well as the help provided by UAB Idiomes during the change-over from face-to-face classes to online Apps.

To download more information about our In Company service, click here.

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