
Statistics - Communication

The subjects in the catalogue are in Catalan. Search by keyword adding estadístiques; for instance: estadístiques comunicació, estadístiques premsa, estadístiques televisió, estadístiques ràdio, estadístiques cinema. You may also be interested in the subject Indústria audiovisual If you are looking for audience or press distribution data search by the subject Audiència.

We recomend Statista an international database that includes more than one million statistics from 22,500 sources.  It also includes industry reports and trends, marketing and consumer studies,  dossiers, surveys and infographics. One of the sectors is Media.




  • European Audiovisual Observatory. Public organization that provides a comparative European overview of the audiovisual industry in different European countries as well as detailed analysis of national and even regional industries. It publishes reports, statistics, data on distribution and exhibition. Very useful is its Yearbook (in paper and digital format), consultable from the Communication Library,  with statistics on cinema, television, audiovisual, video and new media.

  • Audience. A selection of resources and media assembled by the Communication Library to access audience data of radio, television and theatre,  newspaper and magazine distribution, as well as the music, video and DVD sales market.
  • The main flow on television audience data in Spain comes from Kantar. You can find part of the information that this company produces in these documents that you will find at the Communication Library: Anuario de audiencias de televisión and Noticias de la comunicación (You will find information in the first number of each year).