University Master's Degree in Education Policies for Global Development

This interuniversity master's degree brings together students with the objective of actively contributing to the field of globalisation, education and international development, with the opportunity of studying in different parts of the world

Several changes have been made to the study plan of this master's degree. Please check the information on the latest version here Erasmus Mundus en Polítiques Educatives per al Desenvolupament Global / EM Education Policies for Global Development

Official Master's Degree in Education Policies for Global Development

UAB's Virtual Fair for Master's Degrees, Graduate Courses and PhD Programmes

Informative sessions with directors and coordinators. From the 30th of September to the 4th of October: Registration is open!

You can also send the form on this page to request personalized attention.


Access to this master's degree is open to holders of an official bachelor's degree from a Spanish university or from another higher education institution within or outside the European Higher Education Area, provided this gives access to postgraduate studies in the country of issue.

Admission requirements

To be assessed by the technical or administrative department:

1. Relevant training (20%):

  • Bachelor’s degrees or diplomas in Education Science, Sociology, Education, Anthropology, Political Science, International Relations, International Cooperation and Public Management, and equivalent qualifications - 20 points.
  • Bachelor’s degrees or diplomas in Social Education or Work, Psychology, Law, Economics, Languages, Humanities, Interpreting, or with mentions in Social Science or Education - 10 points.
  • Not related to the field - 0 points.

2. Average mark of the bachelor’s degree (15%), if demand exceeds the number of places:

  • Average from 8.5 to 10 - 15 points.
  • Average from 7 to 8.5 - 10 points.
  • Average lower than 7 - 0 points.

To be assessed by the teaching staff:

3. Professional experience (20%):

  • Relevant work/voluntary experience on development projects for more than six months - 20 points.
  • Relevant work/voluntary experience on development projects for less than six months - 15 points.
  • Limited experience indirectly related to the field - 5 points.
  • Irrelevant work/voluntary experience - 0 points.

Prior professional experience will not validate recognition of credits for compulsory internships (15 ECTS credits).

4. Research experience (15%):

  • Relevant experience on two or more research projects/publications, on research projects with funding from competitive or non-competitive calls - 15 points.
  • Moderate experience on a research project/publication - 10 points.
  • Limited or vocational experience - 5 points.
  • No experience - 0 points.

5. Letter of motivation (10%):

  • Striking, well written and authentic letter. Understanding of and interest in the programme - 10 points
  • Standard letter of motivation with certain knowledge of the field - 5 points

6. Essay on a specific subject (10%): To assess writing skills, discussion of education policies, correct use of citations, etc.

  • Excellent essay – 10 points
  • Acceptable essay – 5 points
  • Poor quality essay – 0 points

7. Final interview (10%), scored with 0, 5 or 10 points. The final interview is carried out by the teaching staff of the master’s degree with the candidates who have been preselected.

Students must also have some kind of official English qualification to demonstrate at least level C1.