University Master's Degree in Conference Interpreting

This training program cannot be offered in the edition planned for the 2024-2026 academic year. Therefore the entrance tests are cancelled.

You will train to become a professional interpreter specialised in conference interpreting, capable of working in national and international multilingual environments in both the private and public sector


Admission Official Master's Degree in Conference Interpreting


Access to this master's degree is open to holders of an official bachelor's degree from a Spanish university or from another higher education institution within or outside the European Higher Education Area, provided this gives access to postgraduate studies in the country of issue.

Admission requirements

The admission requirements are as follows:
Bachelor's degree in any discipline and pass the eliminatory entrance test.
Students must be able to accredit knowledge of the following languages:
Language A: English or Spanish (native or level C2 of the CEFR)
C Languages: English French, German or Spanish (C1 of the CEFR) Description of the entrance test
All candidates for the Master's degree will take an entrance test (either in person or by Skype) before a panel composed of the academic coordinator of the master's degree course, the coordinator of institutional relations of the Master's degree course and at least two members of the Academic Committee for the degree, who will decide whether the student has: passed or failed.
The test consists of four parts:
  1. Listen to a speech in each of the C languages and answer to a series of comprehension questions in language A.
  2. Listen to a speech in each of the C languages and give an oral summary in A Language.
  3. Sight translation exercise of a general, non-specialised text and a medium level of language in C languages.
  4. Interview with questions related to socioeconomic and cultural current affairs and international politics.
Candidates must pass all parts of the test to be admitted.
Global competences to be evaluated in the entrance test:
Comprehension of C languages.
Comprehension, speaking and capacity for summarising information in language A.
Cultural competence related to the working languages.
Knowledge of international current affairs.
Capacity to produce mature and logical arguments, even without a profound knowledge of the topic.
Capacity for solid, relevant reasoning and fluency of expression.
Capacity to organise content and information logically and in an ordered fashion to permit ease of comprehension by the receiver.
Capacity to react immediately to certain verbal and/or conceptual stimuli.
Appropriate register and appropriate use of vocabulary.
Clarity and quality of expression: Voice quality, diction and vocalisation.
Potential for code-switching between the working languages.
Possession of stress management strategies.

Selection criteria

Academic transcript: 85%
Knowledge of other languages (minimum level B1): 15%

Complementary training

Students who have not taken a Bachelor's degree or equivalent in Translation and Interpreting, at the discretion of the academic coordinator, may be required to take bridging courses. In the areas of Interpreting, the coordinator will establish the following bridging courses for those students that require them:
- Introduction to Interpreting – 6 ECTS credits (to be taken during the first semester of the first academic year). Subject from the Bachelor's Degree in Translation and Interpreting.