Study plan Bachelor's Degree in Artificial Intelligence

Study guides

The information currently available corresponds to the subjects offered during the 2024/25 academic year. If you wish to consult the information included in a study guide not found on the list, please visit the Digital Repository of Documents. The complete information of all the subjects of the Degree can be consulted in the Study Plan and timetables section.

The information on the languages used in each subject can be found in the study guide for each subject.

1st year

 106577 - Cognitive Processes

 106569 - Computational Logic

 106550 - Fundamentals of Mathematics I

 106551 - Fundamentals of Mathematics II

 106553 - Fundamentals of Programming I

 106554 - Fundamentals of Programming II

 106552 - Probability and Statistics

 106565 - Data Engineering

 106555 - Fundamentals of Computing

 106558 - Introduction to AI

2nd year

 106559 - Ethics

 106578 - Mind and Brain I

 106581 - Fundamentals of Computer Vision

 106572 - Fundamentals of Machine Learning

 106584 - Fundamentals of Natural Language

 106567 - Graph and Network Analysis

 106564 - Knowledge Representation

 106573 - Neural Networks and Deep Learning

 106570 - Problem Solving

 106593 - Synthesis Project I

3rd year

 106587 - Autonomous Agents

 106566 - Data Management

 106556 - Distributed Programming

 106589 - Intelligent Robots

 106562 - Project Management

 106560 - Regulation of AI

 106598 - Social Innovation

 106594 - Synthesis Project II

4th year

 106595 - Applications and Challenges of AI I

 106579 - Social Interaction


 106575 - Advanced Machine Learning

 106590 - Autonomous Navigation

 106592 - Computing Acceleration in AI

 106568 - Data Security and Privacy

 106585 - Learning and Natural Language Processing

 106574 - Paradigms of Machine Learning

 106557 - Parallel Programming

 106582 - Vision and Learning