Study plan Bachelor's Degree in Bioinformatics - UAB/UPF/UB/UPC
Basic skills
Students should have an intra- and inter-disciplinary training between subjects of a computer-based and scientific character, with a solid basic training in Biology.
Specific skills
Acquire a knowledge of biology from the scale of the cellular through to the organism, with an interdisciplinary vision and with special emphasis placed on biomedical applications.
Accredit knowledge and appropriate skills in the areas of biological sciences.
Identify the diverse types of molecules, understand their chemistry and the relationship between their three-dimensional structure and biological function.
Understand the stages in the process of gene expression: phenomena of division and cell death in unicellular and pluricellular organisms, regulation points and the use of RNA as a functional molecule.
Identify the main metabolic pathways and the process of extracellular signal transmission.
Manage and exploit all types of biological and biomedical information to transform this into knowledge.
Visualise, manipulate and extract biological data.
Improve an understanding of the appearance of diseases and their progression.
Identify the modelling and optimisation of those programming languages most commonly used in the field of Life Sciences, so as to develop and evaluate techniques and/or computational tools.
Know the existing techniques and computational tools in a particular ambit.
Evaluate the most appropriate technique and/or computational tool depending on a given situation.
Apply the optimal technique and/or computational tool depending on a given situation.
Understand and develop algorithms with computer languages.
Integrate omic and clinical data for a better understanding of biological phenomena.
Process, manage at the basic level and interpret omic data (genomics, proteomics, transcriptomics).
Objectively analyse data from microarrays, genotypes and/or sequences.
Apply mathematical foundations, algorithmic principles and theories of computer science within the modelling and design of biological systems.
Recognise and use the basic tools of mathematical language.
Apply mathematical and biostatistical processing to big biological data.
Model biological information in mathematical language for subsequent analysis and processing.
Computationally analyse DNA, RNA and protein sequences, in addition to carrying out comparative genome analyses.
Understand dynamic-programming algorithms and their application to sequence analysis.
Understand how similar sequences are identified in a database.
Use genomic databases to extract sequences and functional information.
Understand the implications of the structure of proteins in the function that they perform.
Use dedicated computer programs in the visualisation, analysis and calculation of protein properties.
Accredit appropriate knowledge, skills and practices in the areas of organism and biosystems biology.
Describe models of evolution within and among species and use the requisite computer tools for the study of molecular evolution.
List the evolutionary history of human lineage, from its relationship with other primates to the appearance of anatomically modern humans and their adaptation to distinct environments.
Identify valid and reliable sources of scientific information to substantiate the state of the question for a given bioinformatic problem and in order to address its resolution.
Make efficient use of specific tools for researching and handling database resources and information related to biomedicine and bioinformatics.
Cite reliable scientific information sources to substantiate the state of the question of a given bioinformatic problem.
Apply statistical and computational methods to solving problems in the ambits of molecular biology, genomics and medical and population genetics research.
Identify and use statistical methods suitable to each type of data.
Use the most adequate methods for complex data, with emphasis on dimensionality-reduction methods.
Develop a business plan in the field of bioinformatics, making use of creativity and innovation.
Recognise and explore the attitudes, behaviour and characteristics necessary to carry through successful projects.
Draft an appropriate business plan in the field of bioinformatics.
Participate in the development of a bioinformatic research project, defending both the current state of the question in hand and possible strategies for carrying it out.
Propose research hypotheses based on bibliographic data, experiments and computational calculations.
Apply elements of decision-making in specific situations.
Apply techniques, tools and contemporary skills in the practice of Bioinformatics.
Transversal skills
Master oral and written communication in English.