Bachelor's Degree in Chemical Engineering

First year enrolment, steps to follow

Check the first year enrolment steps to follow

Enrolment information session


Welcome day for students of the School of Engineering

Place: virtual online session with Microsoft Teams platform. Access through this link.

Day and time: July 11, 2024 at 10 a.m.

Session programme:

  • Welcome from the Direccion of the School of Engineering
  • Presentation of the administrative registration procedure: dedication regime, subjects to register, payment methods, bonuses, scholarships, study schedules, delivery of registration documentation...
  • Download the informative dossier of the Welcome Session 
  • Clarification of doubts

It is very important that students take an English test to find out their level in order to successfully complete their studies. You have the instructions to perform the test in this document.

You can connect here to access the test.

It is important that you read all the information on this page well.

Enrolment dates

For any questions or incidents during the self-registration period, you can contact us:

Academic and Service Management

Telephone service hours: july from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m, august closed, septembre from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.

93 581 3049

Registration form: document with the list of subjects of the 1st year of the degree. Document.

VERY IMPORTANT: Each student will have a specific start and end time to connect to self-registration. The start time has been established based on the university entrance grade: people with higher grades have the connection start earlier. It is very important to respect this self-enrollment period; otherwise, you could lose your assigned place.


Registration of the 1st Assignment of June (assigned in 1st preference):
From July 12 to 17, 2024. Check the period of time assigned to carry out the self-registration here.

Enrollment for June claims and "definitive assignment": July 17, 2024. Check the period of time assigned to self-enroll here.

Enrollment of the 2nd Assignment of places:
From July 23 to 25, 2024. Check the period of time assigned to do the self-registration here.

Enrollment for the 3th Assignment:
September 5 and 6, 2024. Check the period of time assigned to do the self-registration here.

Enrollment for the 4th Aassignment:
September 13, 2024. Check the period of time assigned to self-register here.

Registration of the 5th Assignment:
September 19, 2024. Check the period of time assigned to do the self-registration here.

Registration of the 6th  Assignment:
September 26, 2024. Check the period of time assigned to self-register here.

Registration of the 1st Assignment of September:
September 27, 2024. Check the period of time assigned to do the self-registration here.

Registration of the 2nd Assignment of September:
October 3, 2024. Check the period of time assigned to self-register here.

Documentation that must be sent to the Academic Management and Services:
Check this link

How to proceed in the event of a connection to the self-registration incident:

First: check on this page if it has published any general incident notice and with information on how to proceed. This will be the point through which we will inform you. A notice will also be published on the website of the School of Engineering

Second: if there is no incident notice published, notify the Academic and Services Management immediately by email at To contact us, always use the email address that you informed university pre-registration.

Once the incidents are received, the Academic and Services Management will analyze them and respond as soon as possible.


It is not necessary to travel to the university. Self-registration is done online from anywhere with an internet connection and with the appropriate requirements.

Once you enter Self-registration of students for new access to the degree, and before entering username + password, carefully read the information that appears.

Then do the self-registration. You can consult the registration manual online.

Student welcome and start of the academic year


Day: Friday, September 6, 2024
Time: 10:00-11:15 a.m. / Classroom: Q1/1011


Collection of the UAB folder in the Academic and Services Management from September 6, 2024 from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m.

For the School of Engineering it is very important to know your motivations when choosing a Degree from our Center and your professional expectations for when you have finished. If you attend this Session we would like to know your opinion; For this reason, we would appreciate it if you answered the following surveys:

Survey Welcome session and course presentation
Motivation and professional expectations survey

FIRST DAY OF THE COURSE: Monday, September 9, 2024


The School of Engineering organizes basic knowledge workshops recommended by the degree prior to the start of classes to help future students of the degree reach an adequate level to better follow the first-year subjects.


  • MATHEMATICS WORKSHOP, students with a scientific bachelorship: You must fill out the form and present proof of payment of registration fees.
  • MATHEMATICS WORKSHOP, students without a scientific bachelorship: You must fill in the form and present proof of payment of registration fees.
  • ELECTRICITY AND ELECTRONICS WORKSHOP:  You must fill in the form and present proof of payment of registration fees.


You have the following self-assessment tests to find out if you have acquired the recommended basic knowledge: Mathematics Test, Electronics Test.

More Information

Students who come from the advanced training cycles (CFGS) that are detailed in the attached table and who start studies in the degrees that are also listed, can request recognition of training cycle credits and incorporate them into the UAB academic record. . Certain subjects of the study plan of the corresponding degree will be recognized as credits already passed, as established in the agreement approved by the UAB Academic Affairs Committee.

Submit the completed and signed application, together with your title or final academic record, to the Academic and Services Management, requesting a Prior Appointment. It is necessary to pay the fee of €54.54 (€27.27 with a general large family title, free for a special FN title) with a debit/credit card to the Academic and Services Management or by means of a deposit/transfer into the account indicated in the application. In the latter case, you must attach proof of income to your applicationApplication period: from July 14 to September 8.

If you have other university studies with passed subjects, you can present your recognition to the Academic and Services Management by applying together with the documentation indicated in the following link. It is necessary to pay the fee of €54.54 €27 with a general large family title, free for a special FN title) with a debit/credit card in the Academic and Services Management or by deposit/transfer into the account indicated in the application. In the latter case, you must attach proof of income to your application. Indicated in the application.

Related Information

Start of classes

Monday, September 9, 2024


Schedules Degrees