Disability and specific educational needs


The intervention and support of the Inclusion Office is essential due to their proximity to the student and the teaching staff in the faculty or school.

On the other hand, they can provide personalised guidance and advice to the student, channel the necessary formalities related to academic management and, when necessary, act as the contact person with the Dean’s office or the Head of the faculty.

  • Students in possession of certificate stating that they have a disability level of more than 33% who consider they may require certain adjustments and/or adaptations.
  • Students not in possession of a disability certificate who have learning difficulties arising from duly diagnosed physical, sensory and/or psychological circumstances (e.g., mental health, serious chronic illnesses, etc.).
  • Students with dyslexia and/or ADHD who have been diagnosed or are in possession of documentation such as the Individual Senior High School Guidance Plan.

  • Follow the steps given below to register as a member of the PIUNE for the first time.
  • First of all, contact them to arrange an interview:

You should provide us with the following documents:

  • Certificate of disability, diagnosis and/or medical and/or psychological documentation.
  • If there has been a change in your state of health or disability, please provide updated documentation.

  • Fill this form
  • The PIUNE will interview you to assess your needs and the adaptations, adjustments and support that you will need to guarantee equal opportunities.
  • A recommendations and guidance report is drafted that will remain in force during the time of your studies, provided there are no changes in your situation.
  •  This report will be sent by the PIUNE to the Inclusion Officer of your faculty or centre.
  • Contact the Inclusion Officer of the centre no later than 15 days after registering to introduce yourself and comment on whatever you think necessary.
  • The Inclusion Officer of the centre will inform the teaching staff who teaches your subjects during the first and second terms.
  • It is advisable to arrange a tutorial with the teaching staff to give a presentation and comment on certain aspects related to your adaptations and/or needs.
  • Remember: To guarantee the adaptations in teaching methods, accessibility to course materials and accommodations, assessments and work in coordination with the Inclusion Officer of the centre, the teaching staff and/or your faculty, it is very important that you contact the PIUNE within the following deadlines:
    •  First term: from the beginning of September to the end of October.
    • Second term: from February to March.

  • In the event that there are changes in your needs or adaptations for reasons related to health or other modifications, you must inform the PIUNE so that they can update your Recommendations report at the beginning of the first or second term and inform the Inclusion Officer of your centre within the established deadlines.
  • If you change your degree or continue your studies after not registering the previous year, you should also notify this and provide the service with your registration beforehand.
  • Important: To guarantee the care and coordination protocol with your faculty and/or centre, you should contact the PIUNE within the established deadlines.

  • The deadlines for making a new assessment of your needs and support are:
    • For the first term: from the beginning of September to the middle of November.
    • For the second term: February to March.
    • In the event of not submitting the above information within these deadlines, the protocol of coordination with the Inclusion Officer of your centre cannot be guaranteed.

  • Assessing and detecting your adaptation, accommodation, resources and/or support needs.
  • Writing a personalised recommendations report.
  • Tutorials to provide support and academic guidance.
  • Advice on technological and/or personal resources (special programs, students who provide assistance, sign language interpreters, etc.).
  • Guidance and support in the case of changing groups, cancellation of subjects and modifications from full to part time study time mode (duly justified), among other administrative processes.
  • Information on scholarships and aid.
  • Regular or occasional adapted travel assistance and/or accompaniment on foot to the entrance of the centre and campus services (library, health care service, physical fitness service, campus, etc.).
  • Guidance, assessment and support in the process of applying for housing on the campus.
  • Guidance and support in seeking jobs through external work placements and/or job offers on the UABImpuls programme.

Yes. Student information is managed through the PIUNE and based on this information, a special report is drafted by the Inclusion Officer of the faculty or centre, who sends it to the teaching staff.

  • The person in charge of coordinating care for students with disabilities and/or special educational needs in your faculty and/or centre. This person acts as liaison between the PIUNE, the teaching staff and students with special educational needs and/or disabilities.
  • See the list of Inclusion Officers by faculty and/or centre

  • The necessary and appropriate modifications and adaptations to guarantee inclusion and equal opportunities, taking into consideration the personal characteristics of each student.

First of all, it is very important that you arrange a tutorial with your teacher to evaluate the reasonable accommodation options. You can also request a follow-up tutorial to comment on and evaluate the proposals and recommendations that we will coordinate with the Inclusion Officer, if necessary.

The PIUNE is a service for persons with disabilities and/or special educational needs enrolled in UAB Degree, Master's Degree and Doctorate Degree programmes to guarantee them equal opportunities.

 This document sets out the Charter of rights and obligations of all students registered with the PIUNE.

UAB Regulations

UAB academic regulations

UAB regulations on Equal Opportunities for Persons with Special Needs

Regulations on equal opportunities for persons with special needs

General state regulations

Students with special educational needs (SEN) require adapted teaching methods to guarantee equal opportunities pursuant to current law.

Royal Decree 822/2021 of 28 September, which establishes how university teaching is organised and the procedure for guaranteeing the quality thereof.

Royal Decree 822/2021 of 28 September, which establishes how university teaching is organised and the procedure for guaranteeing the quality thereof

Organic Law 4/2007, of 12 April (Universities Act)

Organic Law 4/2007 of 12 April (Universities Act)

University Student Statute

Royal Decree 1791/2010 of 30 December University Student Statute

University Student Statute