The UAB supports Open Science

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The UAB has created the open science website where it describes the different pillars of open science and disseminates the UAB Open Science Strategy and the commitments approved by the Governing Team during this year 2024.


The open science website is a project led by the UAB Institutional Projects Office with the participation and collaboration of all areas and services responsible for the different axes of open science. The website describes the most relevant aspects of the different pillars of open science with their contact information at the UAB, gives visibility to the initiatives that the university carries out and disseminates the UAB Open Science Strategy and the commitments approved by the Government Team during this year 2024.

The first commitment made by the University is the creation of a strategic group to decide the actions to be carried out within the framework of the UAB Open Science Action Plan. This group, chaired by the Vice-Rector for Innovation, Transfer and Entrepreneurship, has been established under the name of the Open Science Advisory Committee with representation of faculty, researchers and technical management, administration and services staff. Its creation was approved by the Research, Transfer and Innovation Commission in May, replacing the Open Access Commission and assuming its functions. At the first meeting of the Commission, which took place on September 4, the first proposals for actions that will form part of the Open Science Action Plan were already presented. This plan will enable the UAB to fulfil its commitments and strategy in this area.


This information is related to the following SDG

  • Peace, justice and strong institutions
  • Quality education
  • Partnerships for the goals