Economics Book of the Year 2019 for a handbook co-edited by professor Emili Grifell-Tatjé

Image of Joan Sardà Dexeus Prize
Exhibition of Joan Sardà Dexeus Prize for the book  “The Oxford Handbook of Productivity Analysis” by the Social Sciences Library


The Association of Economists of Catalonia has awarded the Joan Sardà Dexeus Prize to the Economics Book of the Year 2019 to “The Oxford Handbook of Productivity Analysis”, co-edited by professor Emili Grifell-Tatjé from the Department of Business, alongside professors C.A. Knox Lovell from the University of Queensland, Australia, and Robin C. Sickles from Rice University, US. The prize is awarded by the Association of Economists and forms part of the Economics Journal of Catalonia awards since 1996 to the most relevant book in Economics and Business. The awards ceremony will take place on 30 October in Barcelona during the annual Economists Gala Dinner.

Because of this prize, the Social Sciences Library hosts an exhibition on floor 0 of awarned books which professors of Autonomous University of Barcelona have been collaborated in.

More information about the book awarned:
Selection of exhibition's images and list of exhibited books: