Two students from the Faculty of Law took part in the Olympic Games in Paris

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Two students from the Faculty of Law took part in the 2024 Olympic Games: Marta Segú Rueda and Álvaro Granados Ortega.


The students of the degree in Law of the UAB Álvaro Granados Ortega and Marta Segú Rueda participated in the Olympic Games of Paris.

Marta Segú Rueda is a student of the UAB Law degree who participated in the Paris Olympic Games in the field hockey modality. Álvaro Granados Ortega, also a student of the Law degree at the UAB, participated in the water polo modality.

In addition, 16 other students from the Autonomous University of Barcelona have also participated in these Olympic Games. In field hockey, apart from Marta Segú Rueda (Law), Gerard Clapés Castells (ADE), Oliveras Strappato Bofarull (C. Biomédiques), Clara Pérez Calderón (Medicine), Marc Recasens Llobet (ADE) and Pepe Oliveras Clapés (Electronic Engineering in Telecommunications) also participated.

As for waterpolo, in addition to Álvaro Granados Ortega (Law), UAB students Laura Ester Ramos (Biochemistry), Nonas Pérez Vivas (Psychology), Paula Leitón Arrones (Sociocultural Gender Studies), Elena Ruiz Barril (Nursing) and Isabel Piralkova Coello (International Relations) participated.

There are four UAB Olympians who competed in swimming: África Zamorano Sanz (Nursing), Paula Juste Sánchez (Medicine), Emma Carrasco Cadens (Biomedical Sciences) and Ainhoa Campabadal Amezcua (Veterinary).

There were also two students at the Paris Olympic Games in the handball team: Ian Tarrafeta Serrano (Political Science and Public Management) and Daniel Fernández Jiménez (Physiotherapy).

And, finally, in the modality of modern pentathlon, the medical student Laura Heredia Vives was competing.

More athletes in Paris 24

The Spanish delegation competed in the Olympic Games in Paris with a total of 382 athletes. This was the highest figure in Spanish Olympic history, with the exception of Barcelona 92, where the home team was. For the first time in history there were more female participation, there was 192 women and 190 men.

On the other hand, at the last Tokyo 2020 Olympic Games, the women's waterpolo team won the silver medal and the men's handball team, the bronze. In addition, the men's water polo team was in fourth place and the women's field hockey team was in seventh position and the men's team in eighth.