The Social Council visits the Faculty of Communication Sciences

Photo by the members of the Social Council and the dean of the Faculty of Communication Sciences

The deanship team of the Faculty of Communication Sciences met with the Social Council on February 7 to address issues relevant to the future of the faculty.


The Social Council, represented by Tania Nadal, Alícia Bosch, Montserrat López and Sònia Hern'ndez Tejada, met with the deanship team of the Faculty of Communication Sciences on February 7 to discuss key issues for the development and improvement of the faculty.

During the meeting, the dean of the faculty, Enric Marín, highlighted the importance of the vocation of the faculty in the training of communicators for society and its integration into the Catalan professional fabric. Likewise, emphasis was placed on the fundamental role of the Social Council as a tool for participation of society at the Autonomous University of Barcelona.

One of the main topics of interest of the meeting was the Degree of Interactive Communication. The Social Council was especially interested in the studies offered by the Faculty of Communication, with a focus on this degree, recognizing its innovative capacity and adaptation to the needs of the sector.

The Social Council, as a body for the participation of society in the university, has as its mission to actively collaborate in the strategy and objectives of the UAB, ensuring the good application of public resources and being the integrating link with society in the generation and transfer of knowledge. Likewise, its vision consists of being the facilitator and reference body of the UAB, contributing to effective and efficient governance aligned with the other decision-making bodies of the university.