The faculty organizes a new Pitching to qualify for Talent Week

Poster Pitching Audiovisual 2024

For years the faculty has been participating in this activity that this year will have its most important moment in the Audiovisual Talent Week organized by the Audiovisual Cluster of Catalonia from November 25 to 29, 2024. The selected projects have the opportunity to present themselves to a group of producers who will give you their opinion on the proposals.


Have you thought about presenting one of your works in the audiovisual Pitching that is organized in the Faculty?

For years, the faculty has participated with great success in this activity that this year will have its most important moment in the Audiovisual Talent Week organized by the Audiovisual Cluster of Catalonia from November 25 to 29, 2024.

Previously, the faculty will make an internal selection of the best works that will represent us in this Talent Week, and that is why we encourage you to present your project in this 2024 edition. These are proposals to develop and not finished pieces, made by home students as TFG / TFM projects.

The projects can be delivered to the Dean until June 20 (included). They must be sent by email to: pitching.fcc'


Be projects of bachelor's and master's degrees, prepared during the 2023/24 academic year. The teacher who endorses it must sign on the cover of the project summary (under his/her name and surname, in case it is not an electronic signature and is clear).

They must fit into one of the categories in which the Cluster divides it:

: FICTION: Feature films, short films, TV movies, series, webseries, miniseries, animation.

: NONFICTION: Documentaries, documentary series, webdocs.

  ENTERTAINMENT: Entertainment content for television and any type of platforms both OTTs and social networks: contests, podcasts, formats...


· NEW TECHNOLOGIES and IMMERSIVE EXPERIENCES: transmedia, apps, artificial intelligence, NFTs, visual effects, museum facilities, virtual reality, augmented reality, metaverses, mappings...

They must have been done by students of any course of the degrees or masters of the faculty.

Projects cannot be fully completed; they must be projects in development, in preproduction, production or about to enter postproduction (producer companies do not buy productions, but ideas to develop and finance).

A student can participate in a maximum of two projects.


The projects must be delivered between June 3 and 20 (included) to the address: pitching.fcc'

Following the instructions of the Cluster, it is necessary to send in a single file in PDF format of no more than two explanatory pages of the project with the following information (WITHOUT COVER):

· Category to which you want to participate.

· Type of project presented (series, docu-series, feature film...) and duration.

· Storyline: explanation of the project in 2 lines.

· Synopsis.

· Audiovisual treatment: description of the form that the narration will have (subjective camera, colors, colds, etc...).

· Team profile: brief cv of the team members or person who presents the project with contact details.

· Production report: approximate cost of production, target audience to whom the product is directed, distribution channels and planned necessary resources.

· Project status.

· To which exhibition platform the project is directed and what is its target audience.

· Person or contact persons: name, email and telephone.

· Links with complementary information about the project can be included in this document.

· It is advisable to provide a 3-minute video/teaser, but it is not essential to present the project to the Faculty.

· New Technologies and Immersive Experiences Projects: Interactive, web, cross-platform or transmedia projects must include in the DOCUMENT the interactive treatment and the different platforms that make up the project. It is recommended that the audiovisual clip presented show the interaction that the user can do.

· Video Game Projects: Video game projects or interactive projects that consider it necessary must include in the DOCUMENT the following information: Structure: the player must pass levels or can choose how the game develops? Mechanics and rules: score, penalties, available resources, avatars... It is recommended that the audiovisual clip presented show the interaction that the user can do. 

In addition, the Cluster adds that:

Each university may submit to the selection of projects:

· 5 projects in total between Fiction and Nonfiction.

· All the projects of new technologies and immersive experiences, of video games, creative digital and TV format that the university believes can be of interest and with enough quality.

For the final selection, adding all categories will not select more than 5 projects from the same university.

In the case of the Faculty of Communication Sciences, if the number of projects submitted exceeds 15, the faculty will make a pre-selection that will be made public on June 26 and will be communicated to the students by email.


The presentation of the projects before the tribunal will be on July 1, 2024, with the presence of specialized teachers and representatives of the audiovisual industry.

Each project can be presented by a maximum of three students, for no more than 15 minutes, in which the teaser can be included.

The list with the selected projects will be made public on July 6 on the faculty website.

If you have any questions, you can write an email to the address: pitching.fcc'


Finally, we have organized a master class for all students whether or not they present themselves to the pitching of the faculty: June 12. TV set 2. From 3:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. Professor Lluís Domingo Soler will give us the best advice, with examples, on how to make a professional pitch. Pre-registration will be required at this link.