Professor Santiago Tejedor publishes a book on artificial intelligence in local journalism

Poster la intel·ligència artificial al periodisme

Santiago Tejedor, professor at our faculty, has published a new book entitled “Artificial Intelligence in Journalism: Looks of experts on the riesgos, the opportunidades and the disaffections of robotised communication in the Girona region”. Through a Carles Rahola grant from Girona City Council, Tejedor has explored the role of AI in the local and regional press.


Professor Santiago Tejedor, a well-known member of our academic community, has launched a new book that addresses a burning issue: the integration of artificial intelligence in local journalism. With the title “Artificial Intelligence in Journalism: Looks at experts on the riesgos, the opportunities and the defiances of robotised communication in the Girona region”, Tejedor has provided an exhaustive analysis of the implications and possibilities offered by AI in this specific context.

This project, funded by the Carles Rahola grant granted by Girona City Council, has been an opportunity to investigate how technology can transform the way in which it is informed and interacted with local and regional communities. With the help of Laura Pinyol, author of the prologue, and Joan Maria Morros, author of the epilogue, Tejedor has contributed a multidisciplinary perspective to this work.

The book is now available for download through this link.