GAD member among the 10 top orators in the world

L'Andreu, amb el diploma a la mà, rebent la distinció al campionat del món, a Colòmbia.

Andreu Garcia Raurell, student and member of the UAB Debate Club, was voted 10th top orator in the world at the World Universities Debating Championship in Spanish (CMUDE) held in Colombia in July and in which over 500 people participated. The team representing the UAB, formed by Andreu Garcia and Horacio Lamela, passed many rounds until reaching the Round of 16.


The World Universities Debating Championship in Spanish (CMUDE) took place in Medellin, Colombia, on 11 July, with the participation of more than 500 people, including debaters and judges, from all Spanish-speaking countries.

The mode of debate of the CMUDE is that of the British Parliament, in which four pairs debate on an announced topic together with the position they will defend. Both the topic and the position are announced 15 minutes before the start of the debate, during which time they must prepare their arguments without being able to access the internet.

This year, representing the UAB, Andreu Garcia Raurell and Horacio Lamela attended the debate. The team made it through the qualifying rounds and reached the round of 16. In addition, Andreu Garcia managed to position himself in the top of speakers, proclaiming himself as the 10th best speaker in the world in this year's tournament.

María Dolores Sáez, also from the UAB, attended as judge, and qualified to judge the round of 16. In the speeches category, Andreu was able to act as judge, and formed part of the jury of the final of this category.

Once again, the UAB Debate Club achieved excellent results and positioned itself as a very competitive team within the Spanish-speaking debate circuit.