Francisco Ávila passes away

Francisco Ávila Soriano

Francisco Ávila Soriano from the Academic Administration Office of the Faculty of Law passed away on Tuesday 27 February. The UAB wishes to express its most heartfelt condolences to all those who knew and loved him and shares the feeling of sadness for having lost a member of its community.


Francisco Ávila joined the UAB in 2004 and since 2008 worked in the Academic Administration Office of the Faculty of Law.

The wake will be held today and tomorrow morning at the Funeral Home of Sabadell (Ronda d'Orient, 71). At 9:30 a.m. tomorrow, 29 February, the farewell ceremony and funeral will take place at the same mortuary.

The UAB expresses its deepest condolences to the people who knew and loved him and shares the sadness of having lost a member of its community.